
so this Sunday was Beachwood BBQ's Ode to Lambic event. Lambic is one of my favorite styles of beer. It's tart, dry and acidic. I love it. This event featured some of the best lambic and lambic-style beers from around the world. I got to try Russian River's Beatification, one of their most sought after beers, and it was fucking amazing. Also got to have Tilquin Gueuze and Drie Fonteinen Oude Gueuze, two of my favorites. Got to pair this with some smothered steak fries and a salad and had an awesome time with my friends.

If you guys haven't tried any lambics (or sours for that matter), they're a completely different entity.
Finally indulged in some Three Philosophers this evening with some Kung Pow scallops for a meal. Was more impressed with the scallops than the beer, but it was good beer nevertheless, though unremarkable.
I've only had Three Philosophers once and remember liking it. A blend of a Quad and Kriek is a bit odd. Supposedly Three Philosophers ages really well. Hennepin is my favorite offering from Ommegang. It's a great go-to saison if Dupont isn't around
I've had several bottles of Hennepin and couldn't get into it. I haven't been too into anything Ommegang, actually... meh. I keep meaning to try Three Philosophers (and it's apparently much more quad-biased than kriek-biased, tbh) but I agree with Mike... I don't want to drop that much on something that might very well be unimpressive to me given my track record with other beers from the brewery.
yeah. I mean if you want a real saison, go with Dupont. if you want a real kriek, go with Drie Fonteinen or Cantillon. If you want a real quad, go with Rochefort 10 or St Bernardus Abt 12. All of those are easily in my top 10 beers

saisons vary pretty wildly which is one of the reasons I love them. You can really do a lot with the style (see Jester King from Texas)
Mike, I'm not sure they have Abt 12 on tap anymore, which is gay. If they don't, we can probably pick some up somewhere haha.

For something out of my neck of the woods, Cambridge Brewing's Sgt. Pepper saison is awesome... brewed with a bunch of different colored peppercorns. Looooong dry, weird finish with spiciness sticking on the tongue. Very cool and actually fits the saison MO quite a bit. I had the new Alchemist sorghum-brewed saison last weekend with a buddy, as well. Quite nice, though markedly artificial/plastic-y tasting at some points... I'd still drink it again though, quite easy to drink and flavorful aside from that weird way it hits the palate... not sure if it's sorghum doing that or not?
Went to the liquor store by my house to get LHP's Milk Stout. They were out! I want to know how it is very badly.

Any recommendations on beer for someone who typically drinks/enjoys King Cobra and Mickey's above all other commercial beer?
Fuck, it's been so long since I drank any good craft beers I don't remember. Hence the plea for requests. I do know I don't like almost any IPA's. As well as that Left Hand Pilsner. Too much hops? Maybe. Just don't like that odd bitter aftertaste.
divine_torture: have you tried Full Sail's Session Lager? You might like that
I have not. I'll look into it though.

Man, the Reserve is my shit. Cheap as fuck and it gets you fucking drunk as fuck.
I get the same with King Cobra and Mickey's but they actually taste good and don't give me the shits.

Stouts are typically quite malty.
Stouts tend to be somewhat bitter, which by and large is not a problem, but the aftertaste is often overwhelming to me.