Curator of the mausoleum
It's the only beer that smells like a pumpkin pie and actually tastes like one. Give it a go. I'm drinking one right now. Only comes in bombers.
I wasn't that big on Warlock, but I only had it on tap last year. Maybe it's better this time around. I thought it tasted like a blend of 80% big stout and 20% Pumking. Didn't really do it for me.
I may be getting palate fatigue from drinking big beers and hard liquor nearly every day. I drank a 750 of Chimay Blue yesterday and it seemed kinda drab to me. I had thought it was a bigger beer, but 9% is as light as a quad can get. It was certainly silky, but the flavor didn't explode like it did when I was drinking it five years ago. Pumking is another one that has depreciated for me. It definitely has had a recipe change or two, going from 9 or 10% to whatever it is now, but it's not the perfect beer to me that it once was.
Pumking, Saranac and Shipyard's Pumpkinhead Ale are the best pumpkin beers I've had recently.
I just grabbed 3 random beers to try tonight.
New Holland's White Hatter Belgiam Style WPA
Horny Goat's Stacked Milk Stout (I already plan for it not to stand up to Left Hand's Milk and Nitro Milk Stouts)
Asylum's Madtown Nutbrown
Any one tried these?
I've yet to have a good white IPA. (I rarely like black IPAs for that matter either.)