
I wasn't that big on Warlock, but I only had it on tap last year. Maybe it's better this time around. I thought it tasted like a blend of 80% big stout and 20% Pumking. Didn't really do it for me.

I may be getting palate fatigue from drinking big beers and hard liquor nearly every day. I drank a 750 of Chimay Blue yesterday and it seemed kinda drab to me. I had thought it was a bigger beer, but 9% is as light as a quad can get. It was certainly silky, but the flavor didn't explode like it did when I was drinking it five years ago. Pumking is another one that has depreciated for me. It definitely has had a recipe change or two, going from 9 or 10% to whatever it is now, but it's not the perfect beer to me that it once was.
I ended up picking up that Saranac pumpkin ale that krow mentioned, and came across a 12-pack of their "White IPA" for $7.50 and decided to give that one a shot too.

Aside from those, i stocked up on some märzens, doppelbocks and a few weizenbocks.
I wasn't that big on Warlock, but I only had it on tap last year. Maybe it's better this time around. I thought it tasted like a blend of 80% big stout and 20% Pumking. Didn't really do it for me.

I may be getting palate fatigue from drinking big beers and hard liquor nearly every day. I drank a 750 of Chimay Blue yesterday and it seemed kinda drab to me. I had thought it was a bigger beer, but 9% is as light as a quad can get. It was certainly silky, but the flavor didn't explode like it did when I was drinking it five years ago. Pumking is another one that has depreciated for me. It definitely has had a recipe change or two, going from 9 or 10% to whatever it is now, but it's not the perfect beer to me that it once was.

Yeah Pumking is good but doesn't quite deliver taste-wise. Sounds like you can use some double or triple IPAs or barleywines to get your taste buds exploding again.
I just grabbed 3 random beers to try tonight.

New Holland's White Hatter Belgiam Style WPA
Horny Goat's Stacked Milk Stout (I already plan for it not to stand up to Left Hand's Milk and Nitro Milk Stouts)
Asylum's Madtown Nutbrown

Any one tried these?
I can see why you don't pick up on the spice. I don't drink quite as much craft beer as everyone here, so maybe my palate is a bit more sensitive to the flavors. I HIGHLY recommend the Saranac, though. It's top notch.

EDIT: the White Hatter WPA is okay, but very generic tasting. Worth it if you find it on sale or free, otherwise nothing special.

The Stacked Milk Stout is exactly what I expected: A weaker, dirtier copy of Left Hand's Milk Stouts.
I don't drink as many pumpkin ales as I used to, but Southern Tier Pumking, Weyerbacher imperial pumpkin and any of the pumpkin ales from Elysian brewing are my faves. Of ones mentioned a few posts earlier, Shipyard pumpkinhead is terrible (doesn't actually have pumpkin in it), but their smashed pumpkin is better quality. The saranac offering is mediocre but drinkable (like most of their beers).
I just grabbed 3 random beers to try tonight.

New Holland's White Hatter Belgiam Style WPA
Horny Goat's Stacked Milk Stout (I already plan for it not to stand up to Left Hand's Milk and Nitro Milk Stouts)
Asylum's Madtown Nutbrown

Any one tried these?

New Holland is a decent enough brewery with not much that stands out - but their pumpkin beer Ichabod is great

One of the few that doesn't taste like pumpkin pie spice overload and actually tastes like beer
I've yet to have a good white IPA. (I rarely like black IPAs for that matter either.) I tend to want witbiers and IPAs in completely different drinking situations. The flavor elements don't complement each other, at least not in a way I've experienced yet. Black IPA can work when the hop profile is compatible with dark malts and the malts don't clash with hop notes. Chocolate, coffee, grapefruit, and pine are bad flavor notes to put in the same sip, but bad black IPAs do this. Good ones don't. I've yet to have a white IPA that took the best of the two styles and enhanced the beer overall.

Do any of you guys like smoked beers? About twice a year I get a craving for them, and then they really taste incredible. Drinking an O'Fallon Smoke porter right now, and it's awesome. Aecht Schlenkerla is the king, obviously, but I'd like to know if you guys know some good alternatives available here.
I've yet to have a good white IPA. (I rarely like black IPAs for that matter either.)

Deschutes - Chainbreaker White IPA is the best I've tried in that category. I agree though, I want white/wheat beer and hoppy IPAs at different times. The flavors weren't meant to be combined. I'm not really a fan of black IPAs either.

Red IPA is one combination that I think works exceptionally well though. I tend to like Red IPAs better than most regular IPAs.