
That Warlock IPA is something special to my palate. I know it has a low score on beeradvocate, but I love it. And yeah those german hefes never disappoint.
Found Urquell in a store in town. Tasted...different. As I sipped it I pretended to be Onder and thinking about masturbation to cute chicks in class after leaving the pub listening to classical and fuck.
Tried some beers last night...

Leininkugel cranberry ginger shandy - tasted like cranberry Sierra mist up front then a wheat beer finish. Passed this to my gf and she liked it. Not for me.
Shipyard Gingerbread Head - promises what it says i guess, tastes like liquid gingerbread. Still manages to be gross though. Tastes like the pumpkinhead from here but with a fuckton of ginger and cinammon. Is anything shipyard not gross?
Sierra Nevada Hoppy Lager - really flowery IPA. Not bad at all... The bitterness up front completely disappears to nothing in my mouth though, which was really odd to me.

Probably my favorite was Samuel Adams Cold Snap though. Its an inoffensive, not very complex spiced white ale thats smooth as fuck. I could down these all day.
Woke up to find these on my doorstep ...


Man some of the guys over at BA are cool as fuck!
Lunch is awesome. Haven't had Gandhi Bot. I'm curious to hear your thoughts on Heady Topper.

Up in the Bay Area and have been drinking copious amounts of beer. Hit up Cellarmaker in the city and fucking loved it. They've been open a little less than a year but are absolutely killing it. Afterwards, went across the bay to The Rare Barrel for tasty sour beers and guest taps from Sante Adairius, and they even had Perennial's Abraxas on tap!

Yesterday we went to Russian River. Bought a case of sour beer and drank plenty of the hoppy stuff. Afterwards, we went to Flavor Bistro, which is the unofficial tasting room for Moonlight, one of my favorite breweries that totally flies under the radar. Their Reality Czeck pils is far and away one of my favorite beers ever.

I love it up here
Personally, I was disappointed with Heady. I thought it was good, yes, but there are countless IPAs I'd rather have. Actually, I think Lunch is better than Heady. This wasn't just my opinion but a few of my beer buddies' as well.
I love Pliny, but i've also heard a few people say the same thing about that beer. I would have done a side-by-side but our Whole Foods hasn't received any shipments from RR for over 3 weeks now. :( Last week there was this one guy in there who was trying to convince me that Fresh Squeezed is better than Pliny.

So Lagunitas is suing Sierra Nevada over some bullshit ...

... fucking ridiculous. I remember their owner basically calling out and making fun of the some guy that tried to sue them for their Censored/Kronik labeling a few years back, and now this? Wow.
Wtf. That's like saying other vodka companies can't call their product Vodka. It's just an abbreviation for a type of beer. Lagunitas IPA isn't even one of their better beers. Their red is solid. Ballast Point makes a better IPA, etc.
I got a couple of ounces of Heady Topper about a year ago and thought it was fantastic.

I've yet to find any Maine Beer Co. beer to be any better than above average. That stuff is here and it just doesn't pop for me or anyone I know locally who's into beer.

I have never been a big Lagunitas or Sierra Nevada fan. Lagunitas is too often a big clusterfuck of hops, and SN is either a barrage of cascades, or onion flavored IPAs. I can't support litigation in craft beer at all.
Whatre some recommendations for cheap beer? Something along the lines of PBR or Steel Reserve.

Only two requirements:
Doesnt taste fully like piss. Little bit of piss is ok.

But really the emphasis is on cheap.
Bro, we in New York got the best. Genessee 30 pack, 14$!!! It's out here in Colorado so maybe in Cali too, better than PBR/Steel and that other horseshit imo
