
Love Yuengling...Only time I can get it is at MDF. Thats basically like our Newcastle.

I guess I should also say that Id like for the cheap asshole piss beer to be a lager/pils of some sort.

Anyone try Rolling Rock? That might be a good one to try. Not a fan of miller. Budweiser is decent. Same with Bud Light. But if Im going Light, I like Keystone Light.

I think Im gonna try out Rolling Rock. I know our local stores carry that one.
Yuengling ain't cheap man, good PA beer though

I can't do Rolling Rock, it fucks up my stomach the next day. Like Budweiser shits, those two mess me up
I can't do Rolling Rock, it fucks up my stomach the next day. Like Budweiser shits, those two mess me up

I have an iron stomach with alcohol. I can drink the shittiest shit and not get hangovers or really be affected at all the next day.

I realized Ive been spending way too much money on craft beer, and there really isnt a good reason why. I like cheap, nasty shit, and I like good craft brew, its just my wallet cant afford it all the time.
Rolling Rock is about $7-8 a 12pk at bevmo.

There's this cheap ass beer called American Patriot that bevmo also sells, $3 or $4 a six pack.

Also, Mission Liquor in Pasadena sell 12 packs of Bass Pale Ale for about $8.

Rite Aid has a pretty good selection of cheap beers for good prices(sometimes).
^ Good lookin out dude.

Next paycheck Im gonna be doing some shitty beer tastings with a price analysis. Not sure if I can top PBR for the price/taste, but if I can ill be stoked as shit.

If only the west cost sold National Bohemian. Best shitty beer ive had.
30 packs of High Life for $13 is about as cheap as you can get while remaining drinkable. The larger the package, the better. Don't waste money on 12 or 18 packs. High Life is a bit cheaper than PBR or Old Style, which are negligibly better, and Bud is more expensive for 24 cans. I can drink some cheap ass beer, but I won't dip into Icehouse/Keystone territory. I don't think there's a substantial difference in quality of mass produced lagers once you get over that threshold.

Another way to get more mileage out of cheap beer is to add a shot of some cheap whiskey, about half a shot per can. It improves the flavor and cuts down on the number of beers you need to drink (and the amount of calories taken in).

I wish Steel Reserve came in larger quantities, but I can get pretty drunk on 2 24 oz cans for less than $5. My 7-11 used to sell 2/$2.50, which was amazingly cheap buzz. I like the full body of an 8% lager compared to how watery the 5% beers can be.
Ugh....Cant stand any of the Miller products...I remember High Life not being too fucking awful, but man...If I can find a 30 pack for $13, thats a steal.

Never thought of the whiskey idea, but that sounds like a recipe for a hangover...My skinny ass doesnt need to watch the calories and I like drinking 6+ cans of beer a night.

Yeah Steel Reserve tall cans are $2.00/ea out here and its normally that or PBR that Im sippin on, which seems like the best route.

Well see though.
I wouldnt say Sam Adams fits. Sam Adams is poor attempt at being craft, yet still tasting like piss. So, it kinda fits by that standard, but it doesnt for the price/taste.

Corona is decent, but honestly cant drink more than 2 without being bored and wanting something else. Would much rather have a Pacifico.
Sam Adams definitely does not taste like most of the piss water we're currently talking about. Corona and Heineken aren't bad, especially when fresh.

Steel Reserve is one of the worst brews i've ever had, that was basically a last resort to getting fucked up with the least amount of $ back in the days. I would take just about any other malt liquor over SR .... Mickeys, King Cobras(do they even still have these?) or even nasty ass Olde English over that shit.
One of my coworkers gave this to me for a Christmas present, he loves beer, I'm going to drink this, this weekend, just curious if anyone has had this before? Good Beer?

Yeah, Sam Adams is basically "training wheels" for craft beer, but though I've had hundreds of craft beers, I still like them. Granted, not every variety, but still think they get a bad rap from beer geeks.
Also, corona is freaking horrible. Worse then many cheaper beers.
I'd just not drink if those were the only options. #beersnob #imabovealcohol #whoamikiddingbitchgimmeawhiskey