
orkfist.gif. Those are plain/ordinary for you? I'm lucky to be in Canada and at least get Molson/Labatt instead of Bud, but I would love to have Jupiler whenever I want.

And I don't think you need to build up tolerance or get used to it. The fact is hard liquor taste bad and you can't just drink it like you can with beer.

You can buy the brands I mentioned in crates in supermarkets or your local liquorstore here yeah. Heineken especially, that is pretty much one of the bigger Dutch exports and is all over the place here. And all the bigger brand Belgian beers are easily found here as well. I really just don't care for any of it much. I drink it on social occasions but I would never buy or stock any myself.

Like with beer, whether liquor tastes bad really is down to personal taste. Things like rum and whiskey can easily be drunk straight (rum being my personal favourite). But I'll even drink a shot of plain vodka over a glass of (what I consider) plain beer really. Aside from that you can mix liquors to turn them into normal drinkable/sippable beverages just like beer is. I don't see mixing something as an inherent disadvantage at all. If anything it makes any bottle of liquor you buy more versatile.
I like good beer. My favorite style is IPA (India Pale Ale), which is a strong, typically somewhat bitter, and very hoppy (skunky) in flavor. Most brewerys make it resemble the classic taste well enough, but some are definitely better than others. A good one that is somewhat cheap is Boulder Beer Company's Mojo. Stone's IPA is also good, as are DogFishHead's 60, 90 and 120 minute IPAs, but DFH can be expensive. Actually I haven't asted the 120 minute, it's like $10 for one bottle.

My favorite single beer is pprobably Arrogant Bastard, by Stone.

Others I like is Bear Republic Hop Rod, Lenny's RIPA from Scmaltz. Porter's and Stouts are ok, but I prefer bitter and hoppy.

You can get some good beer at Trader Joe's. We have a place here called Sunflower Market. Sorta like a natural foods grocery store. They have a good selection. Otherwise, good liquor stores can have good selections. We have one here that has a TON of variety, and they individually price bottles, and let you cutom make your own six-packs. They are a bit more expensive, though.
Rum is the most difficult thing for me to take straight. I'd rather down cognac or brandy. Vodka works too.

I love a good bottle of Captain Morgan spiced rum. I usually only drink it straight when I buy that kind of quality, if I just buy generic store brand white rum (which tends to be the cheapest kind you can find here) I mainly use it for mixing (mainly to make rum & coke).

In terms of liquor I really only buy vodka and rum anymore nowadays. I tried most others once or more but most of them aren't as nice to drink straight as a good rum or as versatile for mixing as vodka is (white russian is probably my favourite vodka based drink at the moment but they are unfortunately quite expensive to make so I don't do it very often). So those two usually have my preference.

I'm not too knowledgable when it comes to cognac or brandy so I don't really tend to get those. Though I'm open to suggestions.
I like good beer. My favorite style is IPA (India Pale Ale), which is a strong, typically somewhat bitter, and very hoppy (skunky) in flavor. Most brewerys make it resemble the classic taste well enough, but some are definitely better than others. A good one that is somewhat cheap is Boulder Beer Company's Mojo. Stone's IPA is also good, as are DogFishHead's 60, 90 and 120 minute IPAs, but DFH can be expensive. Actually I haven't asted the 120 minute, it's like $10 for one bottle.

My favorite single beer is pprobably Arrogant Bastard, by Stone.

Others I like is Bear Republic Hop Rod, Lenny's RIPA from Scmaltz. Porter's and Stouts are ok, but I prefer bitter and hoppy.

You can get some good beer at Trader Joe's. We have a place here called Sunflower Market. Sorta like a natural foods grocery store. They have a good selection. Otherwise, good liquor stores can have good selections. We have one here that has a TON of variety, and they individually price bottles, and let you cutom make your own six-packs. They are a bit more expensive, though.

I'm not a fan of IPA's as much, or anything that tends to have that "bitter" taste to it, usually from the hops if I'm not mistaken.
For those who drink beers (lagers, ales, stouts, etc.), what is the appeal of the flavor?

Everything I have tried is quite bitter, or doesn't taste at all like what the bottle says (ex: cherry wheat (Sam Adams), or chocolate double stout). Is it the subtle flavor that makes it so great in contrast with the bitterness, or is it not bitter to you ladies and gents at all? I really wish I could get beers to "click" with my taste buds.