
Pabst Blue Ribbon
Natural Ice

I'm not really picky. beer is beer

I try and spend least as possible.
Pabst Blue Ribbon
Natural Ice

I'm not really picky. beer is beer

I try and spend least as possible.

I'm going out to do some drinking tonight for my friends 21st. I happen to know that the place we're probably going to has Dogfish Head 60 Minute IPA, which I have yet to try. Hopefully tonight I'll finally get my hands on some! I hear it's supposed to be great.
I live in Czech and I don't drink anything else than Pilsner.

EDIT: BTW, what's the prize of Pilsner in other parts of the world like US or such? Isn't it hard to get?
Stella Artois is probably the most common Pilsner.

I have a few questions for the beer drinkers here. Why do people drink light beer? and what does "Ice" signify in terms of flavor? (ex. Natural Ice, Molson Ice).
if u go to and look up my username (same) you can read some of my reviews.

im about to crack open a Southern Tier Choklat bomber to get the night started. mm mmm
Beers to try:

Matilda Bay Redback
James Boags

Coopers Sparkling Ale
James Squires Golden Ale

You like your Aussie beers I see. James Squire's Golden Ale is currently my favorite mid-price beer. James Boags was my fave a couple of years back until the company changed hands and the quality dropped significantly. I've gone right off the Coopers Sparkling as well, the flavour is too heavy. Pale Ale all the way for me.

Some other good Aussie beers:
Mountain Goat
3 Ravens

Why do people drink light beer?

Because it has a lower alcohol content, so if people are driving they can have a drink without worrying about being over the limit after 2-3 beers.
EDIT: BTW, what's the prize of Pilsner in other parts of the world like US or such? Isn't it hard to get?
Pilsner Urquell is widely available. Every grocery store or convenience store has it. It runs from $7.50-$8.50 a six pack, or $12-$14 a 12 pack.

I've heard some people prefer Stout to regular Guinness. I've only tried regular Guinness so I can't say.
Guinness Extra Stout is quite a bit different than the Drought. Much more bitterness, and it's not as creamy. It's good for home consumption. Guinness at the bar is good, but I think it's pretty lousy in the cans and bottles. The cans give the beer some off metallic flavors, and why would anyone want to drink Guinness out of a bottle?

Please, rec away for me; there is a Bevmo relatively close to my house, so I should be able to pick up mostly anything.
Anchor Steam (the first craft beer in America)
Rogue Hazelnut Brown Nectar (what it sounds like)
Samuel Smith's Imperial Stout (a thick black creamy stout)
Hacker-Pschorr Weizen (a classic wheat beer)
Chimay Blue label (a decadent dark fruity ale)
Ommegang Hennepin (peppery and earthy with sour apple and white grape)
Leffe Blonde (caramelly and sweet)
St. Bernardus Tripel (amazing blend of light fruits, spices, fresh pastries)

These are a few of my favorites, and I stayed away from hoppy beers mostly. Anchor Steam is probably the hoppiest of those, but it has a nice caramel malt base. Some of these are only in 750 ml bottles, which will give you a good buzz if you down the whole thing. A few are 8-11% abv there, but it's generally listed on the bottle. Chimay Blue and St. Bernardus Tripel are expensive, so you could substitute the similar Unibroue Trois Pistoles and La Fin Du Monde, which are both great as well.
Stella Artois is probably the most common Pilsner.

I have a few questions for the beer drinkers here. Why do people drink light beer? and what does "Ice" signify in terms of flavor? (ex. Natural Ice, Molson Ice).

I'm pretty sure the idea of "ice" beer is like if you have a beer that's just slightly frozen and drink it. Have you ever done that? It's stronger because some of the water stays behind as slush. So if you filtered out the slush and sold it, it would be ice beer...