
Mississipi Mud is where it's at....a great black and tan beer that's not light but not so heavy you need a spoon to "drink" it. Killian's is great, I like Red Stripe too. But when I'm just drinking normally, I kick back either Mickey's or Coors Light.

I had Mississippi Mud Black & Tan for New Years one year. I don't remember what it tasted like but I remember enjoying it very much.
This girl that I've been talking to & I went to this local pub that has over 300 different kinds of beer. It's an awesome little place close to a high class college, so all the chicks that go there are ridiculously hot. I plan on going a bit more often so I can try some more obscure beers & adjust my taste away from the garbage n00b beer I normally drink.

I got this light pumpkin ale... I wish I could remember the exact name of it. Pumpkinhead Ale is great as well, only not quite as good as this stuff.

Other good beers are Foster's, Miller Chill, & ocassionally Rolling Rock. Last couple of times I drank RR I got pissed off though. Bud Light is my standard beer, but I need to change that eventually.
Yeah I was going to say the same thing. Around here Pilsner Urquell is pretty standard lager to drink at partys and stuff. Nothing fancy with it. : d
Yeah I was going to say the same thing. Around here Pilsner Urquell is pretty standard lager to drink at partys and stuff. Nothing fancy with it. : d

I never said it was fancy. It's somewhat steeply priced compared to what I like to spend however. I think a 6-pack of it is about $9 roundabouts. $14 for a 12-pack should be a suitable price for good beer, no more. I definitely do not see many people here drinking Pilsner though. You can barely buy it anywhere. It goes to show you that things are much different hundreds of miles from where you're at.

I drank Rolling Rock for awhile. I used to really like it but I think I've pretty much grew away from it. Last few times I bought beer I bought Foster's.

The thing is that you can't get too many different kinds of beer in stores here so a lot of times I wind up buying the same stuff. It's tough to chance $8-9 on a 6-pack of stuff I'm unfamiliar with sometimes because money is tight. Bud Light is $8-9 a 12-pack & it comes with a guarantee that I won't be disgusted by it... I need to try new stuff though, always.

Three Floyds is one of the top breweries in the country. You fail big time.

KR, congrats on finding Dark Lord. I've never seen it before. I hope it lives up to the standards. As hard as this might be to do, I imagine it improves a bit if you age it between 6-12 months, like many high abv beers.

Unibroue is also excellent.

Aye, thanks for the advice. I'll have to see if there is a brew date on it and let it sit for a bit. Hopefully I have enough self-control to leave it alone.

:lol: Well it tasted like dogballs to me so, I win.

Well, one thing I've learned very quickly about beer is they are not one in the same. Perhaps the one he was drinking just isn't your style. Lord knows there are a few I can't stand either.
Darklord is one of the most decadent brews Ive ever had. I think I may prefer Stone IRS though. Never did a vertical tasting between the two.

Anyhow, I am enjoying some Rodenbach Grand Cru right now. The pinnacle of the Flemish Sour Ales imho.
