
I usually drink Miller Lite or Bud Lite. Good beer for catching a buzz, and you can drink a bunch of them without getting too shitfaced. But in terms of taste, the best beers I've ever had were Bavarian (south German) microbrews. Augustiner probably being my favorite.
KR if you don't like bitter, you may not like the Arrogant Bastard. Read the paragraph on the bottle, it's pretty funny.

I actually just poured it a second ago. Nice head on this for sure, letting it settle down.

I do enjoy a bit of bitterness to beer. Not an overpowering bitter though. I really like a beer to balance out the bitterness of the hops with some other characteristics so we'll see how this is. Smells phenominal though.

Had some Sierra Nevada Pale Ale today. I enjoyed quite a bit, and it's pretty easy to find. Good combination.

You really like pale ales eh?
Halfway through this Arrogant Bastard Ale. It's pretty damn tasty that's for sure. Definite hints of a honey/caramel sweetness to it at first and roasted malt flavors. Goes down smooth with slight bitterness at the end, but not a strong bitter. They balance themselves out pretty well. The label didn't lie, it's pretty complex. I couldn't see myself drinking more than one or so; good shit.
Well if you like it that much, thats all that really matters. :)

But yeah, fuck JD. Yack. If you want a quality bourbon, go with ANY of the Van Winkles. Great great GREAT stuff.

If I cant get that, then Ill opt for Woodford Reserve since it;s everywhere and pretty good. That's per Bourbon though. Single Malt Scotch is totally different ball game.

Crown Royal is neither. I dont even know wtf it is. Canadian whisky? blah.
So how much a bottle do those run? Keep in mind I've got Champagne taste on a beer budget. If their over 50 bucks a bottle count me the fuck out.
So how much a bottle do those run? Keep in mind I've got Champagne taste on a beer budget. If their over 50 bucks a bottle count me the fuck out.

lmao @ champagne taste on a beer budget.

Well, the Van Winkles are kind of hard to find. Youll have to see if they are available in your state. But, the lowest ones are under $30 believe it or not!!!

The Woodford Reserve is around $35 for 750ml if I recall correctly.

As for single malts, Highland Park 12yr is $40, if you wanna try that out. It's got the malty sweetness but is balanced out with a light peaty smokiness.
Good luck brotha. :)

As for single malts. Dont shoot it. It's blasphemy. :loco: Pour that shit, enjoy the aroma, sip, swirl around, enjoy. Then add a drop of spring water to open it up a bit and see what it does to the spirit. Usually sweetens up the aroma and brings about new flavors. See what you prefer and go from there.
Good luck brotha. :)

As for single malts. Dont shoot it. It's blasphemy. :loco: Pour that shit, enjoy the aroma, sip, swirl around, enjoy. Then add a drop of spring water to open it up a bit and see what it does to the spirit. Usually sweetens up the aroma and brings about new flavors. See what you prefer and go from there.
Yeah! Alot of my friends thinks it is blasphemy to add water to their whisky. I think the taste gets much richer and balanced. Without water it just taste thick and unnecessary much alchohol with less accual aroma from the whisky. My god now I feel like taking a glass. I think I'm going to buy a bottle of Lagavulin as a moving gift to myself when I move next week. :>