
There is a place 20 minutes from where my parents live that makes pretty good beer. Not sure if this brand would be available for you though. (for some reason in the English version of the site not all their beers are displayed.)

You can get more info about their beers there. They have one named the Terrible with 10.5% alcool...but I just noticed it's not displayed in English. Anyway it's a brand you can try to look for...
Mississipi Mud is where it's at....a great black and tan beer that's not light but not so heavy you need a spoon to "drink" it. Killian's is great, I like Red Stripe too. But when I'm just drinking normally, I kick back either Mickey's or Coors Light.
I think paying a ridiculously high price for one bottle of beer is a bit ridiculous


There is a place 20 minutes from where my parents live that makes pretty good beer. Not sure if this brand would be available from you though. (for some reason in the English version of the site not all their beers are displayed.)

You can get more info about their beers there. They have one named the Terrible with 10.5% alcool...but I just noticed it's not displayed in English. Anyway it's a brand you can try to look for...

Unibroue make great beers. I've had the 1837 and the Maudite and they were both really nice.
I'm going out to do some drinking tonight for my friends 21st. I happen to know that the place we're probably going to has Dogfish Head 60 Minute IPA, which I have yet to try. Hopefully tonight I'll finally get my hands on some! I hear it's supposed to be great.

I'm back with the verdict on the IPA, and it was pretty damn good. I also reminded myself that Sam Adams Boston lager isn't half bad. Now I'm just relaxing with some Yuengling.
I'm back with the verdict on the IPA, and it was pretty damn good. I also reminded myself that Sam Adams Boston lager isn't half bad. Now I'm just relaxing with some Yuengling.

I saw IPA at the liquor store I was at. I remembered you said something about it and almost bought it, however as you will see at the bottom of this post you will undertand why I didn't.

As far as Sam Adams goes, I love Sam Adams. Great quality beer by a bigger name company. They actually care what they brew unlike the big 3.

Dos Equis (green bottle)

. And 9 times out of 10 they usually end up tasting like ass. It's lose-lose.

Dos Equis is pretty mediocre imo. Pretty much just like any American macro.

On a serious note, you fucking people will not believe what I found at a liquor store right down the road from my place that I never even knew existed. I found one of the few kings of Russian Imperial Stouts:


That my friends, is the Dark Lord Imperial Stout; which ironically is brewed in Indiana. *droooooool* I'll let you know how good it is once I've chilled it a bit more. I couldn't fucking believe it when I saw it. I walked right by it on the shelf and did a double take and nearly shat myself.

That liquor store I found was a goldmine. It had the largest selection of beer I've ever seen.

I also bought a mix pack of Sam Adams; the few I haven't tried yet; Honey Porter, Brown Ale, and Black Lager. As well as Arrogant Bastard Ale, which I've heard about just never bought it. I'll let you know how they are after I tried them as well.

go me!
Buddy of mine used to scorch his shorts over some nasty beer called 3 Floyds. I think it's made in Munster,IN.

Three Floyds Brewing is who makes the Dark Lord Imperial Stout. They are a pretty good brewer. It's located near the Gary and the Indy/Chicago border.

On a side note, just tried the Honey Porter by Sam Adams; it was ok. The honey was overpowering in taste and you can easily pick it out through smell. It was worth trying once, definitely not something you could drink more than a couple before it just gets too sweet.
Buddy of mine used to scorch his shorts over some nasty beer called 3 Floyds. I think it's made in Munster,IN.

Three Floyds is one of the top breweries in the country. You fail big time.

KR, congrats on finding Dark Lord. I've never seen it before. I hope it lives up to the standards. As hard as this might be to do, I imagine it improves a bit if you age it between 6-12 months, like many high abv beers.

Unibroue is also excellent.
There are better ways to spend my money

Take hookers and some blow for example..

I need a hooker. I need sex so badly. its one thing to have never had sex, but its another thing to have had it and still want it all the time.