
So I'm upgrading Out of Your Gourd Pumpkin Porter to the worst pumpkin beer I've ever had and quite frankly one of the worst beers I've ever had. beats the Shipyard one with the guy with a jack o lantern head on it. Absolutely disgusting in every way I can think of.
I suppose you might enjoy it if you like the thought of a watery thin porter that's only distinguishable flavor is overbearingly clove.
Red Hook is generally pretty bad... also owned by Anheuser-Busch (since A-B owns 25%+ in Craft Brew Alliance, which RH is under) and therefore many people look down on them. I enjoy going to their location in Portsmouth sometimes because they'll often have a good cask beer, and their tour is decent... but meh overall. Lots of better beer out there and tons of awesome things in downtown Portsmouth.
I picked up the New Belgium Folly 12-pack since it has Rampant in it. That one isn't easy to find.

Alright, here goes nothing! Smell is cool; has a "gose"-like aspect with some minerality and spice coming up. A little bit of fresh pumpkin bread, some cinnamon and light apple cider tartness in the nose as well. Slight Brett funk (rustic, a little "diaper-y" but not in a bad way) and a light touch of tropical fruit.

The beer itself is simultaneously weirdly ugly and completely beautiful... it's crystal-clear and has a nice golden color, but the head is just stupidly ephemeral (thanks lacto!) and it pretty much just ends up looking like a cider after a couple minutes.

On the palate there's a quick, sharp acidic tang followed by, well... not much. Which sucks because the nose seemed interesting. This is weird. I feel like there should be a maltier base here or something, or maybe the blend is wonky, because this just tastes like a simple golden ale with some sour aspects and a light, unfocused spicing. Sure, the Brett dries it out a little but this seems way too simplistic. I'm glad there are no metallic off-flavors, however, as some of Boulevard's wider-released "sour" stuff can get that way (The Tell-Tale Tart had this issue, iirc). It's just kinda bland. A little bit lame because I did go all in to get a sixer, but it was also pretty cheap ($11.75 / 6) so I can't feel too burned by it. I might actually sit on one of these for a half a year (maybe longer) to see if it develops any complexity due to the Brett conditioning, but only because I have 5 more and don't see myself crushing them like some other stuff that comes out this time of year...



Guys, this is the best idea. Why has no one else done this that I know of? Granted, this one debuted last year but since then I've been wracking my brain wondering why the hell no one's combined the juicy, fresh hops of the harvest with a Märzen lager. A few years ago, I disliked Peak Organic for releasing a bunch of boring normal beer (and some meh/bad beer like their Oak-Aged Mocha Stout and Maple Collaboration) and selling it with the whole "organic" certification. A few years back they randomly got a lot better and have been releasing great stuff pretty consistently. Probably one of the biggest 180-degree turns I've seen a smaller brewery undergo, and I'm always glad to see those go well. Gonna drink one of those now... cheers!
Do it. If you like Ofests and want one with nice, juicy hop notes that don't smother the nice malty base beer, it's pretty spot-on. Total underdog beer and will likely remain in my rotation for all of Fall.
Went to the Surly Goat last night w Cody, his lady and a friend and got some Pliny the Elder! Was yummy, reminded me of home. I used to live right around the corner from the brewery in Sonoma County. I also realized they had a couple other beers from RR, should have had one of each.
Cigar City Good Gourd might as well be advertised as an spice bomb because that's all that it was. It's a shame because their other beers are all mostly amazing.