
Samuel Adams Thirteenth Hour is pretty great. It's a big bottle.

I bought two bottles of Dogfish Head 120-Minute, a four-pack of Sixpoint 4Beans and a bottle of Mikkeller Beer Geek Dessert today from my favorite store.

I was a bit bummed because they told me that I missed the Cigar City Good Gourd.
I actually really like Sam Adams' Summer Ale. I think that one is pretty good. Their Boston Lager is okay but nothing mindblowing. Heading up to San Jose for a buddy's wedding tomorrow. He's also a beer nerd and was able to get two bay area breweries (Faction and Cellarmaker) to sell him a couple of kegs. Super stoked.
Speaking of SA, I just picked up my first sixer of their 2015 Octoberfest. One of my favorite continental examples of the style, tbh. Also may be one of my favorite festbiers overall. BLASPHEMY?! Maybe!

Jenn, good call. I liked BGB better than BGBW but really only because of the hefty price difference between the two and the lack of anything particularly special justifying that difference, in terms of flavor anyway. I think a single 12 oz of BGB is ~$7 here, but BGBW is like $11. Erp.
I don't really like octoberfest style beers but I drink pumpkin beers like a white girl consumes pumpkin everything else.

Really disappointed in Out Of Your Gourd pumpkin porter. It smells AMAZING but when you take a drink it's a watery thin clove grenade. No pumpkin taste present. I'm not a huge fan of Pumpking, but it's vastly superior.

On the other side of that, Leinenkugel Harvest Patch Shandy was really tasty to me. Creamy sweet pumpkin pie flavor. It's not very beerish if that's a put off to you. It's more like a pumpkin pie flavored soda that happens to be alcoholic.

Those are the only pumpkin beers I've seen so far this year I haven't tried before. Worst ever still goes to the Shipyard incarnation. Bleh.
Pumpkin beers are good when they don't overdo it. Some of them try too hard to hide the fact that they taste like beer and become spice bombs instead.

If you like pumpkin pie, I can't see any reason why you wouldn't enjoy a well-made pumpkin beer.
I LOVE pumpkin pie ... they're actually my favorite.

Most pumpkin beers are overloaded with spices, which i am not a fan of. I dont like my beers being super sweet. And i dont think i've had a single pumpkin beer that tasted like pumpkin pie. And to be honest, i'm not sure i'd want my brew to taste like a pumpkin pie either.
Southern Tier Pumking is probably the best pumpkin beer that I've had. It isn't overloaded and isn't really sweet, and it doesn't hide a low-quality beer behind a flavoring.
I usually forget that pumpkin flavor is really divisive for some weird reason. Whatever.

I'm drinking Two Brothers Red Eye Coffee Porter right now.