
This months Brewtal Truth section(Decibel) has a nice little article on Sours titled In My Darkest Sour, lol. I think a few of you guys might dig it, i'll look an see if i can find the article on their website.

Has anyone tried the canned Wild Sour series?

Who's it by?

Picked up some bottles recently. This past weekend was Highland Park Brewery's Raised Eyebrows release. Sour ale aged on passionfruit and guava. Fucking delicious. Bright tart notes. Crushable. Followed it up with Hello, of their IPAs, and probably one of the best IPAs being brewed in Los Angeles right now. Definitely up there with El Segundo and Beachwood

Popped over to Beachwood yesterday for their Mocha Machine release. Chocolate coffee porter. One of my favorites. Big coffee and even bigger fudge notes. Fucking love that beer.

It's been a good (albeit expensive) week


Man, i still need to get my ass down to Highland Park Brewery. It's right next door too.
You do man. I'd be there (almost) everyday. Try the Hello, LA when you go.

I've had the Destihl Gose and Flanders Red. They were pretty decent. I think I preferred the gose. Nothing mindblowing though.
Duchesse De Bourgogne is probably the best sour that I've had, but I've only had a few.
All of the others that I've had have been incredibly subpar by comparison. I would love recommendations.
Maybe some traditional but easy-to-find lambic beer? Hanssens oude gueuze and oude kriek are great (and very much sour), but Lindemans Cuvee Rene and Boon Oude Gueuze are good for the price and availability as well. These are all pretty different from Duchesse due to being blended lambic beer and not Flemish reds, but they are more complex and interesting imo. The world of sours is incredibly deep and can be wallet-draining, though, for sure.

In terms of something slightly similar to DdB, try Boulevard's Love Child, whatever vintage you can find (if any). They are expensive but fantastic.
I'll actually probably grab that twelve pack as it's the only one so far since they revamped (and ruined) them by doing 3 each of 4 varieties instead of 2 each of 6 that I've been happy with the lineup of. SA Octoberfest is one of my favs actually.
I've had several lambic beers already, but I think of them as a different animal to those other sour beers.

Also, on the subject of Samuel Adams beers, I only really enjoy a few of them enough to ever purchase them again. Thirteenth Hour is easily my favorite.
I think almost every beer by them is worth drinking, but I tend not to feel like I need to have them more tham a couple times each. There are exceptions.
I like a fair amount of their beers, but Sam Adams Cherry Wheat is an abomination. Like cherry coke that's gone bad. Their triple bock is awful too, unless if you want soy sauce
keep an eye out for their Saison Brett. It's a seasonal release. It's drier and slightly funkier. My personal favorite saison is Saison DuPont. It's kind of the standard saison.
I recently had the Victory/Stone/Dogfish Saison Du Buff and that was neat. It has rosemary in it.