
No beer pics, just a bunch of shloshed selfies taken at 3am, but I had some Liquid Sex Robot jizz and a basic bitch Stone IPA before pounding Tyskies and some disgusting korn. Liquid Sex Robot was the tits.

How much does Liquid Sex Robot cost there? I'm trying to compare it to US prices for American IPAs of a similar tier.
How much does Liquid Sex Robot cost there? I'm trying to compare it to US prices for American IPAs of a similar tier.

It's normally impossible to find here and I'll assume the price was a bit higher than retail since it was at a beer fest, but it was 5.50 euros. I took a peek at some internet retailers, and it's still 5 euro. I'll be in the Netherlands on Thursday and will snoop around a bit to see if it's sold there.
I need to find this Liquid Sex Robot. I've had Supersonic and it was amazing.
I had two incredible beers two days back which I want to share.

My favorite bar in Prague imported some Cascade bottles but they are really quite expensive, I paid 500+czk for this one. It was one of the best beers I've had in a long time though. Super sour, vineous, and potent. It has slightly over 10 abv too. Such a shiny brew.


The second is an European classic by Cantillon. It's this year's Rosé de Gambrinus. Certainly the best strawberry beer I've had, even though there seems to be more of those during summer. This has the balance between lambic and the fruit just right. You know it's still an old lambic and not a strawberry juice. Fucking epic.

I'm returning from Berlin where I had a shitload of cool beers.

My favorite places were Lager Lager, Muted Horn, and Biererei Bar.

Some nice new england IPAs I've had were by Left Handed Giant and Wylam. Goes to show that Great Britain's brewing is really booming now. Add these to Cloudwater, Verdant, DEYA, Beavertown, Northern Monk! Seriously cool. Also got to try some US shit that is not available in my homeland - American Solera and a strong sour by Cascade. Cascade kills.

Yesterday we had some lambics as well, by Tilquin, namely the Gueuze and Quetsche both 2016/17. Those were brilliant

I'm bringing some US beers home - Prairie Paradise and Grimm Icing on the Cake. Gonna try them over the weekend. I need a one or two day break now.


Tried to do more sampling of beer recently.


Kind of chocolaty tasting. Don't hate it, don't love it.


Newer NC brewer that seems to brew lower ABV stuff. Full taste but like their Wheat beer, both share something odd in the taste I can't place which keeps it from being great. In contrast, their (super - 3.5%) light beer has far more flavor than their slightly higher ABV swill competitors like Coors etc. and doesn't have the weird thing in the flavor. Also comes in a cool Baseball themed can:

They supposedly have an IPA with a similar can but haven't seen it on the shelf yet.


Juicy as advertised, and I didn't hate it it like I thought I might. Grapefruit hints. Went really well with steaks.
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View attachment 16060 So I went to this Oktoberfest beer tasting thingie here in indy tried all kinds of shit. Wound up getting a local brew that wasn’t even sampled and goddamn it was the right decision. Fountain square brewery Kosmik Hefe weizen truly great

Looks awesome.

Benediktiner Weissbier. It's not my favorite Hefeweizen, but it's pretty solid. I picked up a few because it came with this pretty glass.

Steel Reserve is pretty brutal. The good thing is that if you find a female willing to drink that, you're basically guaranteed penetration. The bad thing would be that you're fucking a female that regularly drinks Steel Reserve.
Steel Reserve is pretty brutal. The good thing is that if you find a female willing to drink that, you're basically guaranteed penetration. The bad thing would be that you're fucking a female that regularly drinks Steel Reserve.
yes Steel Reserve really is "brutal"
for a lot of people, Steel Reserve actually gets you way, way, way more fucked up than actual hard-liquor