
How much does Liquid Sex Robot cost there? I'm trying to compare it to US prices for American IPAs of a similar tier.

I can answer this now. I paid around 6.5 US bucks for it in Prague.

Did you find it worth it? I was a pretty big fan, but I usually try to be skeptical of my first impressions.

I liked it enough considering its strength. It's like tangerines and honey mostly. But yeah pretty good.

I prefer lighter IPAs in this style, yesterday I also had a fresh Stigbergets New and Improved GBG and that one was a blast! Perfectly balanced, I could drink them more if they weren't so goddamn expensive. :cry:
A cheap Urquell marketing trick gave me an excuse to pick one up, so I figured I'd post the last few beers of note.

I'm rather curious as to how many Urqells this Jiri guy drinks a day. I was going to post about how Urquell seems to always be so hit or miss when it's exported, but I've just hit the second half of it, so my complaints are gone. Best Urquell I had recently was a 0.655 Liter brown bottle from Manchester airport--probably because my flight arrived some 8 hours late. @Onder Looking forward to confirming this theory that not all Urquells in Prague are equal! To the right is the local brew, Pinkus. I prefer their Spezial, which I've posted before, but the nearest grocery store doesn't stock it.


Perfectly ok Altbier. Size is arguably it's best quality


Bastard child. It's a mix of Altbier and Kölsch that leans more on the Kölsch side. Perfectly good. I enjoyed it. I can't imagine it ever becoming acceptable to drink in public in Düsseldorf or Cologne.


This is a great Alt. Not my first and not my last. They also have a recent new brew branded as "Hosen Hell." It's the signature beer or whatever of Die Toten Hosen, one of the long-standing, big punk bands in Germany. I spotted it and picked a couple up for my girlfriend, as they're her favorite brand. Solid Hell. Tastes like Augustiner, or any of your other solid Bavarian Hells.


Ever happen to be in Düsseldorf and have some time to kill? Hit the Japanese district, get some great food with Sapparo or Asahi, and then hit the Altstadt and do a nice little bar/brewery crawl.







^ Some fancy strong ales right there. Barrel-aged De Molens are on my radar right now - I know where they have them and which ones and I just gotta go there ASAP to buy them.

I fucking loved Bowmore BA Hemel & Aarde and two of those I want to buy are also Bowmore BA so I'm super excited.
I missed the Bowmore BA Said & Done, but nice to grab the other two nonetheless. Christmas!

De Molen might be my fav brewery in the world for stouts. Although I did have a peat smoked stout recently which was almost a sink pour, it was like drinking an ashtray (and I normally like smoked malt)

If you mean Hemel and Aarde then get out of here. The Bowmore BA version is L I F E, it's like drinking peat.

I had the two beasts from the post above yesterday and the barleywine was the winner. So balanced, not too sweet, decent bourbon smell and taste, smooth, not too boozy, fucking perfect. The stout was super heavy, also good.
I think it was Hemel and Aarde but I wasn't a fan. I can handle peaty whisky but still found it really overpowering. Reminded me when I tried to barrel age a home brew in brand new oak and left it too long.


Some of their beers are over the top. Like, I'm a chilli lover and can take some heat, but I had to admit their Salt & Pepper was seriously hot. Needless to say, I loved it, but no it wasn't "balanced". :eek:
Went drunk shopping yesterday and bought some nice 0.75l bottles.

3 Fonteinen - Armand & Gaston 17/18 blend 17
Cantillon - Fou Foune
Cantillon - Grand Cru Bruoscella
Cantillon - Rose de Gambrinus
Cantillon - Nath 2018