
hell yes Mississippi Mud is damn delicious...very drinkable

I enjoyed the Green Flash barleywine, so I'm definitely curious about the Bigfoot and now Dogfish Heads
I had a great beer endeavor last night, the highlight of which was DFH 120 Minute IIPA. Holy shit, it was good. Almost like a beer/liquor hybrid. It's stronger than some spirits, at 21%. It is probably best to split a 12 oz. bottle with 2-4 people. We ended up getting three bottles for our group though. I can't say good enough things about this one. Some say it is too syrupy and boozy, so be forewarned. But I've never tasted a beer like it.
I'm going to pick up a Brazilian beer named Brahma today from a wholesale liquor joint, $8.99 a case of bottles which is a steal. It's usually about $30 a case. I heard it's pretty good beer and i'm willing to take a chance at that price.
For today I'm on my fourth Sierra Nevada Bigfoot (9.6%). It's way hot right now, but I don't care being drunk as I am at the moment. The first two were hard to get down. It's not an easy beer to get down upon immediate release. It's harsh. Best aged at least 6 months, unless you want a sharp piney bitterness with a hard alcohol bite. Really, this is hotter than just about any 8%+ beer I've had.

I also drank a 750 ml of Unibroue Trois Pistoles (9%), and some glasses of Tripel Karmeliet and Delirium Tremens. TK is not as good as I remember. Maybe this bottle was old. DT packs a little more tartness. It was better tonight.
I had a great beer endeavor last night, the highlight of which was DFH 120 Minute IIPA. Holy shit, it was good. Almost like a beer/liquor hybrid. It's stronger than some spirits, at 21%. It is probably best to split a 12 oz. bottle with 2-4 people. We ended up getting three bottles for our group though. I can't say good enough things about this one. Some say it is too syrupy and boozy, so be forewarned. But I've never tasted a beer like it.

I had a bottle of this once, plus had some at the Beer Fest last year. What stood out a lot to me is how sweet it is. Based on my limited exposure it's not something I think I would want to drink often.
Tonight I had a Sierra Nevada 2009 Bigfoot

and it was delicious. Real smooth, not too bitter or overly hoppy

Tomorrow night I will be having a Sierra Nevada Torpedo Extra IPA...I'm excited
i had some new castle and ankerstein, or however you spell it. now that was some good beer.
Hahaha, do you mean Anchor Steam? It's funny, one time I picked up a pack of this, and my friend must have thought I got some German beer because I said the name too quickly.

@unknown: Looking forward to a report on Torpedo. I haven't seen it yet in this market, but a bit of digging should turn it up. I get pretty good stuff at stores within 5-10 minutes. If I have to drive 10-20 or so, that's still not terrible. At what temperature did you serve Bigfoot at? I found it to be pretty boozy at medium temps, and I drink a good amount of strong beer. It's not my favorite, but it's a great value at $9.99 a sixer. We were getting Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout (10%) at the same price, but it sold out. Great double stout.
I haven't even picked up any Bigfoot yet because I have only seen it at BevMo for like $12-$13. Apparently I am a cheapskate. I need to check a local place called Plaza, which has the best selection, but they don't tend to be cheap. Total Wine and More, who tends to have the best prices, acts like they are not going to carry it.
MOL: I just refrigerated it, and it was good to go...drank it out of a goblet (I have no snifters yet). It took a few minutes for the alcohol to kick in, but it was nice.

and yeah, it was kind of pricey. The six pack of Bigfoot, Torpedo and this bomber of some other barleywine came out to $30 at bevmo. Whatever
Went to Plaza. Man, they are expensive, but they have the best selection. I got four Lagunitas Hairy Eyeballs, one Anchor Old Foghorn Ale (barleywine), one Sierra Nevada Torpedo Ale and one bomber of Stone Old Guardian.
goddammit bevmo didn't have the old guardian yet! :mad:

anyway. I had the Sierra Nevada Torpedo, and I was really was really mellow. I was expecting wayy more hoppiness. I'm not saying it's bad; it's actually quite nice. It'll be interesting to hear ACKs thoughts on it
Drinking it now. By the description of "extra IPA" I expected something between an IPA and a IIPA. says it is 6.8% abv, so that's more akin to a regular IPA in terms of abv. The flavor is interesting. It seems to start of like it's gonna be pretty bitter, but like as it is going down it seems to mellow in the mouth. But then the aftertaste seems more bitter than the drink. I guess it just seems like a regular IPA to me, for the most part.