
:kickass: finally found a tasty Winter brew

Made two trips out to Sheffield's, a good beer bar, this week. Sampled the following.

Southern Tier Choklat (draft) - Wonderful beer. Did not observe any real difference from the bottle. Maybe a bit creamier.

Anchor Our Special Ale '08 (draft) - A great Christmas beer. Tasted of plums and spice.

Dark Horse Perkulator Coffee Doppelbock - Maybe the 2nd best coffee beer I've had, after Surly Coffee Bender. Interesting move to add coffee to a doppelbock rather than a stout or porter.

Visit Two:
Two Brothers Bonfire Dunkle Weiss (draft) - Dunkleweizen is just not a style that does much for me, though this was pretty decent.

Dogfish Head Palo Santo Marron - A beer like no other I've tried. A wood aged brown ale that comes in at 12%. Extremely aromatic and perfume like. None of the oaky/bourbon notes of most wood/barrel aged beers. A great extreme beer.

Two Brothers Cane and Ebel - A heavily hopped rye beer. I love it. So smooth and flavorful.

Left Hand Warrior IPA (draft) - Maybe it tasted weak because of my previous beer selections, but this was an extremely lackluster IPA. Tasted more like a pale ale.
Latest Haul:

12 oz bottle:
Nimbus (local) - Old Monkey Shine 6 pack (an 8.2 abv strong brownish ale)
Dogfishhead - 90 minite IPA 4 pack
Lagunitas - Brown Shugga 6-pack (apparently a Barlywine)

Green Flash - Barlywine - 2x
Green Flash - Imperial IPA
Green Flash - Stout
Avery - Hog Heaven (Barlywine)
Bear Republic - Hop Rod Rye Ale (IIPA)
I had some sparkling cider tonight. :)

It used to be $3.50 a bottle at Kroger, and now it's $1 now that new year's is over.
Just picked up an order of 12x Nøgne Ø Imperial Stout, annoying that that is the smallest order you can make here. Otherwise I would have had a few Dark Horizon with them too, but I'm skeptical of it, so didn't dare order lots of them at once.
So I've given a little bit of thought to home brewing. I saw a home brewing kit at the store the other day, but I did not get it because it appeared to be a set up where you just pour some sort of mix into a machine or some shit, and I'm not interested in something like that. What I want is to make a beer that's my own.

Of course, I would have no idea where to begin. Does anyone here have experience with home brewing? Or does anyone know of any good source of information?
As far as home brewing goes, I would check the forums on I assume you will get some good advice there. From what I understand, you can either do some extract brewing or all-grain brewing. Apparently it's better to start off with extract. I've had an extract-based home-brewed stout that I thought was very palatable, so you should be able to make pretty decent beer from the extract kits.
Yeah start with an extract to get an idea of how it is done before trying to make everything yourself. Besides it isn't like powder coffee or anything were you just pour some into a glass and it is done. I garantee your beer won't taste the same as the next guy using the same extract.