
I had the Criminally Insane Elf Barleywine (er whatever it's called). Wasn't bad. It had to breathe for a bit to mellow out...first few sips were pretty tough
I had that Green Flash Barlywine. Man, that was good!

I just picked up six of Deschutes Jubilale "festive winter ale". Haven't tried it yet. Also one each bombers of:

Green Flash - IIPA
Moylan's Barlywine
Moylans IIPA
Bear Republic - Hop Rod IPA

Also got some cigars today to enjoy with a brew!
Yeah that Green Flash was good. I need to find some more barleywines

are there any good/thorough websites that you can order beer from?
I don't know aboot that. I have only ever bought locally. We have one real nice place called Plaza liquors which has a ton of choices. We also have a BevMo pretty close by which has an acceptable selection, but nothing like Plaza.
bought a bunch of beer for this TDY. so far ive had:

rouge dead guy ale: too hoppy for me, but with a slightly sweet finish
young's double chocolate stout: exactly what you would expect. a good stout beer with a strong dark chocolate taste

in the fridge ive got the arrogant bastard smoked porter, and oatmeal stout, and something else
I'm tempted to crack my other bottle of ST Choklat, but I'm going to try and save it to share with some friends. It's not quite as good as last year's. Not as sweet, and it seemed hotter. More dark chocolate bitterness this time. Maybe some age will help, definitely with the heat, and maybe with the bitter edge.
my friend is really into beer so i've tried a few beers. So far my favorite is Fat Tire, thats the only beer i really enjoy the taste of (drinking that after eating pizza is amazing, especially when you burp and it tastes like pizza all over again, fucking amazing). other beers don't taste bad and i usually don't mind them, especially when cold most are decently refreshing but the only one i can't fucking stand at all is PBR. fuck that shit.
You've got a long way to go there. I recommend to all to check out, and start to familiarize yourself with beer styles. I'm not sure you can go wrong with any of the top 100 there. The top 10 at any style are almost guaranteed to be very, very good beers. Of course they aren't all available regionally.
had some great stuff lately. the highlights were the:

ommengang chocolate indulgence. not really a strong chocolate stout, but rather a great stout with a subtle chocolate taste.

unibroue terrible. great dark ale, with a smooth yet strong flavor
So, I bought some beer for new years:

Nils Oscar Rökporter (best new beer this year, I feel sorry for you americans who probably can't taste it :( )
Samuel Adams Honey Porter
Samuel Adams Winter Lager
Bath Ales Festivity

North Coast Brother Thelonious (I've heard good things about this one, and it is belgian abbey style which is probably my favorite beer style)
Nøgne Ø God Jul (the most expensive fucking beer I've ever bought in the state owned alchol shops in Sweden I think. I hope it is good, Nøgne usually is good but I've read mixed reviews of it)
I had an AleSmith Yulesmith the other day and man...that thing kicked my ass

I talked to the Stone driver that delivers to the ztore I work at, and I asked him when their next barleywine is going to be released, and he said it should be coming out soon. If not that then something else will be, and the barleywine will be afterwards