

AKA Irish
Sep 26, 2004
Sterling VA
Ok so I heard about this beer on a radio show - they sampled and raved about it - and I was lucky enough to find it in a Wegman's (greatest grocery store on earth) by me..

It's called Delirium Nocturnum (I've also sampled the Delirium Tremons) and it's a not so heavy, not hoppy, smooth Belgian Ale that I LOVE... And at 8.5% how can you NOT like it??? Highly recommend.. I've tried a wheat ale, didn't do much for me; an Indian Pale - had a bit of bite and I don't care for that; but I'm looking to try others..

I don't like heavy, hoppy, or spicy... Anyone got any recommendations?? The Sam Adams Summer Ale sounds intriguing, but I don't know of anyone who's had it...
The Sam Summer is a wheat, best I recall. I try to drink stuff from local breweries, that certainly don't make it into your neck of the woods Jennifer. I get flack for it, but I like drinking Molson Canadian in the summer months. Its light, and tasty enough.

/waits for the eventual beer snobs to come romping in
I was in a store called World Market here in Fredericksburg last weekend with the better half and the step daughter. The step daughter saw the microbrews they were selling there.

She got a "mix and match" six pack of various beers. She got several fruit flavored beers. One of which was an apple cider flavored beer. I forget the brand off hand, but I had some of it and I thought it tasted quite good - but I might make a return trip there soon and buy some more.

Don't know if they have a World Market up in Northern VA where you live - but if you're taking a road trip down I-95 south, it's worth taking a side trip.
Personally, I prefer my ciders on tap... I dunno what it is, they just taste totally different and kinda blah when it's from the bottle... I haven't had Woodchuck from tap, but I swill the Hard Core at Faire

I do however have a World Market here too - I think you can pretty much find anything in NVA - so I'll check out there selections.. The thing I like about Wegman's is they've got the beers broken down by region (the unusal, not on the every store shelf) or country and do have a couple brands that I've just flat out never heard of...

I actually wanted to try Arrogant Bastard Ale for awhile now and they just began carrying a couple of their brews so I plan on checkin those out - and the gargoyle just kicks ass :p
As I have said before and will say again, the best micro-brewed beer around is one called Roswell Alien Ale, it is real smooth, but really robust flavor, with no bitter after taste, it is a great ale for summer, and if you are lucky enought to get it on tap OH MY GOD!!!!
I like going to the Total Wine store and making my own six-packs. They usually have a wider selection than the grocery stores around here too, and quite often will have descriptions if you're not all that familiar with the different styles. Another great thing about the DIY six-packs - you can try single beers rather than buying a whole sixer of them and possibly being stuck with something you hate. ;)
I like Sam Adams summer ale quite a bit. I like dark beers, but I find that I prefer the lighter beers for summer. Just no IPAs - don't like the hoppy, bitter bite. Both Delirium brews that you mentioned are excellent. I picked up a Leinie's 1888 Bock the other day and was pleasantly surprised. It looks a bit dark, but isn't heavy at all. Kona Brewing Co.'s Longboard Lager is a nice summer beer too.
About the ciders - I agree. Always better on tap. If you MUST get it bottled, try Strongbow. Good stuff. :)
I'm all about the Belgian whites. Blue Moon, Shock Top, UFO White, Long Trail, Victory's Whirlwind Witbier, etc.

I need to go back to light beer though. Only Miller Lite and Yuengling Light for me for awhile.
The best beer in existence is Maredsous triple. If you want a smooth amber ale(maybe a little lighter than newcastle) and it has 10% alcohol but you wouldn't know it by tasting it, plus I think it only comes in a bottle the size of a small bottle of wine($10 a bottle, but worth it to me, but I only splurge on it for my birthday every year).
I like going to the Total Wine store and making my own six-packs. They usually have a wider selection than the grocery stores around here too, and quite often will have descriptions if you're not all that familiar with the different styles. Another great thing about the DIY six-packs - you can try single beers rather than buying a whole sixer of them and possibly being stuck with something you hate. ;)
I like Sam Adams summer ale quite a bit. I like dark beers, but I find that I prefer the lighter beers for summer. Just no IPAs - don't like the hoppy, bitter bite. Both Delirium brews that you mentioned are excellent. I picked up a Leinie's 1888 Bock the other day and was pleasantly surprised. It looks a bit dark, but isn't heavy at all. Kona Brewing Co.'s Longboard Lager is a nice summer beer too.
About the ciders - I agree. Always better on tap. If you MUST get it bottled, try Strongbow. Good stuff. :)

Wegman's does sell most of the imports by single bottle - I tried a double chocolate stout that was just too much like a coffee taste than chocolate..

and I have a Total Wine close to me as well... I think I'll be taking a couple days off next week - Washington Capitals rookie camp!!!! - so a trip to Total Wine could be on the list... I may have to find the Summer Ale on tap somewhere n' ask for a sample...
I actually wanted to try Arrogant Bastard Ale for awhile now and they just began carrying a couple of their brews so I plan on checkin those out - and the gargoyle just kicks ass :p

You will NOT like Arrogant Bastard - it is very bitter. Sorry... The name is kickass and that's why I tried it back in the day.

I like brown ales in general. Mainstream-wise I like Newcastle. And to think when I first had one of those there was one and only one bar in town that had it on tap...

Stella Artois is a very light and tasty beer. And the Dutchies' favorite - Grolsch, too.
I was never impressed with Grolsch. If I wanted to drink underwhelming beer, I'd drink Heinikan (I don't know, nor care enough to know, how to spell it correctly.)