Best album cover ever?

Because of that cover, and the band name (means "dying" in German), I want to check out that band now.
I've recently gained a morbid affinity towards the covers of Carcass' "Reek of Putrefaction" and "Symphonies of Sickness". Most people are appalled at photos of human corpses and autopsies, but I find them fascinating. Not that they would cause me to go into medicine or anything, but I enjoy them.

I also love the covers of Summoning's "Minas Morgul" and "Lugburz", but that's a little less strange. :)
That cover reminds me of another favorite of mine, Sempiternal Deathreign's The Spooky Gloom:


Not a very big image, maybe you can see it more clearly with the picture I took of the LP:

Yeah, cool.

I couldn't find any bigger image of the cover I posted.
It's depressive bm band - Bann.
Is that a mushroom cloud or a birthday cake?

It's a cloud palace, actually. I have a copy of that piece on my bedroom wall - got it at the national art gallery, where I saw the original series, of which that's one fourth. It was fucking incredible to see in real life. Artist is Thomas Cole, by the way.