Best album of 2011

Ermz, if you aren't familiar with Symphony X, go back and check out 'The Odyssey', 'Paradise Lost' and then 'V - Mythology Suite' in that order.

I would say they are probably all better than Iconoclast (well Odyssey which is absolutely brilliant, and Paradise Lost definitely are).
Due to this thread I took a good listen to Symphony X's 'Iconoclast'. Normally I'm not one for prog metal, but this is some really well written music... not only that, but to actually hear a vocalist who can sing well again, it's like bliss. Even the over-use of Slate samples doesn't ruin it.

Thanks guys.

Ermz redeems himself. :)
Due to this thread I took a good listen to Symphony X's 'Iconoclast'. Normally I'm not one for prog metal, but this is some really well written music... not only that, but to actually hear a vocalist who can sing well again, it's like bliss. Even the over-use of Slate samples doesn't ruin it.

Thanks guys.

When I started listening to Symphony X, all other bands/ music bored listen carefully!
I cant get into new Symphony X album. Ok, great prog album, great solos, good production. But for what I heard I find too boring. Musically does nothing to me, not even a single song memorable in the end. Maybe I am becoming old!lol
Exactly - a persons taste in music automatically defines how credible their opinions/experiences are.

I think Symphony X are gay. Since you like their new album so much, everything you say must be faggoriffic, right?

Symphony X LITERALLY make me cringe. So cheesy/lame/gay. I forced myself to listen to some of their new stuff and I need to go to bed now because of it. Or listen to the new Mastodon record. Twice.
Symphony X LITERALLY make me cringe. So cheesy/lame/gay. I forced myself to listen to some of their new stuff and I need to go to bed now because of it. Or listen to the new Mastodon record. Twice.

I think Mastodon are horrific and they definitely make me cringe.

Music is subjective. So I wouldn't take my production suggestions if Mastodon is how you want your music to sound. Mastodon is not my idea of good music or good production. But to each their own.
Music is subjective. So I wouldn't take my production suggestions if Mastodon is how you want your music to sound. Mastodon is not my idea of good music or good production. But to each their own.

Man, are you really saying that people have a single point of reference for 'good music' or 'good production' and that's it? If so, we'd all be pathetic audio engineers. My favourite album of 2011 is an indie rock album, but I've mixed some fucking good metal albums this year that sound nothing like that indie album.
If you think that someone liking a band you don't like means that every opinion they hold on music or production is irrelevant, then you may as well disregard this entire forum.
Jeff over here /\, listens to pop punk.
If he took the attitude you seem to have, then he wouldn't have ended up working on the latest Cephalic Carnage record.

Not liking something does not render you incapable of objective scrutiny.
I think Mastodon are horrific and they definitely make me cringe.

Music is subjective. So I wouldn't take my production suggestions if Mastodon is how you want your music to sound. Mastodon is not my idea of good music or good production. But to each their own.

Symphony X are a bunch of goony, nerdy metallers. They're so off the pulse its insane. And of course their production is just the same old guitar tone every boring metal band goes for, Steven Slate on drums and that disgusting vocal. Stale, boring, same old thing we've heard a million times before. They're fucking cheesy as hell too. That's just a fact isn't it?

On the other hand - Brent Hinds has tattooes on his face, wrote Crack The Skye in a week whilst getting high and is generally the man. They're Pink Floyd fused with Led Zeppelin playing heavy music. Definition of cool.

If you can't even appreciate the quality of the production on Crack The Skye or The Hunter then you're simply deaf. Have you even listened to either of those albums?
Man, are you really saying that people have a single point of reference for 'good music' or 'good production' and that's it? If so, we'd all be pathetic audio engineers. My favourite album of 2011 is an indie rock album, but I've mixed some fucking good metal albums this year that sound nothing like that indie album.
If you think that someone liking a band you don't like means that every opinion they hold on music or production is irrelevant, then you may as well disregard this entire forum.

Amen to that.

A good production is a production that fits the band/material being recorded, period.

Mastodon with the Mastodon prodution = SICK (note : all of their albums sound different music-wise, and each had a specific production that was perfect for the album being recorded)

Mastodon with a Symphony X production = meh

Symphony X with a Mastodon production = meh

Symphony X with a Symphony X = SICK if you're into the band, meh if their music doesn't do shit to (for ?) you :)

Semi-dirty/raw production on Immolation albums = SICK

Semi-dirty/ghettoproduction a la Immolation on Scar Symmetry music = meh

Scar Symmetry with their super modern Scar Symmetry production = sick

Immolation with the Scar Symmetry production = meh