Best Metal band name of all time..

Stone Fury - not crazy about the band, but the name sticks

Infinity +1 - probably a band out there somewhere named that. Was the name of a band I played in.

The Last Stand - The band my brother and I fronted. He actually thought of the name, but didn't like it. I convinced him it was cool.

Accept - This one may have been "learned" due to my love for them, but at the same time, a common word like that is super cool as a band name.

Voivod - don't like the band, but cool name

Angel Dust - Great name with staying power. Cool band too.

Dream Theater - Brilliant name. Their name personifies them even though they lost me years ago.

honorable mention due to not being a metal band ---- Son Volt. Cool ass name. Brother Cane as well falls into that.

Strapping Young Lad just doesn't seem like a cool metal band name... kind of gayish not that i have anything against gays.. but just doesn't seem metal.. anyways i should of mentioned My Dying Bride on my list... i always thought that was a cool band name.. and was the reason i bought Songs of Darkness, Words of Light ... i bought it blind strictly based on the band name... another one that i bought based on the band name was The Black Dahlia Murder's Unhallowed album.... i thought and still think that was a cool metal band name.. so my list is for now:

1. Black Sabbath and Metallica (Metallica i have to revise my reason is because of the clever way they use the word "Metal")

2. AC/DC

3. My Dying Bride

4. The Black Dahlia Murder

also honorable mention though im not sure what kind of music they play but i seen there name in the Village Voice here in NY .... The Brian Jonestown Massacre
A few more:

Napalm Death
Righteous Pigs
Acid Rain
Blind Guardian
Control Denied
Grave Digger

NP: Hammerhead - 'Crying As I Fall'
haven't been on in months-whats up!

how about RIGOR MORTIS and check this out:

No Bullshit about that-saw in local record store Metal section:OMG: :lol:
metallic- an adjective describing an alloy of such substances (gold, silver, ect.)

sad they are suing the swedish metal workers union who has been using the name Metallica for a long time.
kittybeast said:
sad they are suing the swedish metal workers union who has been using the name Metallica for a long time.

Really? Lar$ is becoming more and more idiotic with the passing of time :zombie:

NP: Adramelch - 'Broken History'
I think some of these bands have awesome metal band names:-

Black Sabbath
Angel Witch (think AW is a classic name for band)

And I've always thought Diamond Head was a superb name for a band.
Wyvern said:
A few more:

Acid Rain

NP: Hammerhead - 'Crying As I Fall'

I like that name as well. I mentioned Angel Dust and it has sort of the same vibe. The song "Acid Rain" by Angra is also my very favorite by them.

I unfortunately left AC/DC off my list. Metal or not, the name is perfect. AC/DC = electricity.... electricity = power. Powerful name. Malcolm should be proud.

Bryant said:

I unfortunately left AC/DC off my list. Metal or not, the name is perfect. AC/DC = electricity.... electricity = power. Powerful name. Malcolm should be proud.

I thought it was about bisexuality :heh:

*sorry couldn't help*

NP: Pyramaze - 'The Journey'