as far as extreme bass players go it would have to be:
B-war-grat fingers on both hands and extremely unheard and unrecognized.
Skoll(ulver,arcturus)-he played with a pick(ithink from the sound he got) but he was totally kick ass.
Blacky(voivod)-more metal than anyone on the planet with a shitload of cool melody.
Pat(from goatwhore)-totally killer right hand always on time and intense and some pretty decent playing too.
Ross Dolan(Immolation)-he can follow everthing those guys do and still sing over it-he's the man.
Danny murphy(incineration)-all over the place and perfect timing,very cool melodyand technique.
alot of the guys on the end records have some fairly decent bass players too.
B-war-grat fingers on both hands and extremely unheard and unrecognized.
Skoll(ulver,arcturus)-he played with a pick(ithink from the sound he got) but he was totally kick ass.
Blacky(voivod)-more metal than anyone on the planet with a shitload of cool melody.
Pat(from goatwhore)-totally killer right hand always on time and intense and some pretty decent playing too.
Ross Dolan(Immolation)-he can follow everthing those guys do and still sing over it-he's the man.
Danny murphy(incineration)-all over the place and perfect timing,very cool melodyand technique.
alot of the guys on the end records have some fairly decent bass players too.