Best NON-Metal Albums of 2010

This chick is fucking amazing.

hahaha, I echo the sentiments of the crowd at 30 seconds in.

Ken, come here ... let me kick your ass. i heard stuff on par with this at corny Russian restaurants in Brighton Beach.
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Did she just say "as naked as I could get"? That made me giggle.

You know, sometimes I think I got into death and black metal not because they're amazingly worthwhile genres but simply as a way to escape embarrassingly bad lyrics. I mean, I couldn't understand the damned lyrics to feel that sympathy embarrassment I so often feel while listening to more comprehensible genres.
just cranked half of this album in the car on the drive home ... fuck me this is AWESOME!

I would add Kill'em All era Metallica in the review and also some early Lemmy tinged vocals ... the riffing and guitar tone is just awesome.

I even hear some Mastodon in there ... but this is much more straight forward and just great headbanging/drinking music.

Check out the track "The Devil" ... but it really doesn't sum up the diversity on this release.

Four years after the bizarre and strange (in a good way of course) and extremely addicting “In Sickness And In Dreams” album, DAWNBRINGER (masterminded by multi-instrumentalist Chris Black, also of Superchrist, High Spirits, Nachtmystium, and Pharaoh fame) return strong with “Nucleus”, an album that continues to uphold the unique character of DAWNBRINGER by showcasing an album of infectious and triumphant heavy metal glory. Metal that is of course inspired by the glory days of the NWOBHM (Di’Anno era Iron Maiden, ‘70s Judas Priest etc.) and classic progressive metal and rock (Blue Oyster Cult etc.) while at the same time “Nucleus” pushes the state of today’s heavy metal genre forward simply by giving it that much more class and substance. Overall, “Nucleus” is pretty much one of the most forward-thinking true heavy metal albums you’ll hear today.

this review also pretty much says it all:
this is pretty cool but it is not heavy metal or old-school or anything like that? it sounds really modern
hahaha, I echo the sentiments of the crowd at 30 seconds in.

Ken, come here ... let me kick your ass. i heard stuff on par with this at corny Russian restaurants in Brighton Beach.

:lol: x 1000
Can I *please* go to one of these restaurants with you?
hahah, that Dawnbringer should have been in the Top 2010 metal thread ... who's an Admin here that can move it?
Really? who's the admin here? who? who?

and dorian ... yeah, let's go "bird" watching on Brighton Beach ...

Oh Haddsie, whereartthough?!
may be

The Prophecy "Whom The Moon A Nightsong Sings" compilation???

Such a Brilliant VA Comp. I was worried it'd just be a bunch of songs from different bands thrown together but I should have known together.. it flows together beautifully. For those who ignored this:

"Whom The Moon A Nightsong Sings" is a compilation of rare value – not only because of the fact that this is one of the few conceptual compilations that are based around a central theme and where the choice of artists present was subjected to a rigid selection. No, "Whom The Moon A Nightsong Sings" is a two-CD collection with a playing time of over 100 minutes that unites all the main players and the most promising newcomers of a nameless genre that is defined by (mostly) acoustic musical settings of nature's sceneries and impressions, or of personal sentiments mirrored in nature. This profound respect and a deeply romantic magical and mystical perception of nature are the common denominator of all the featured artists and the thematic foundation of their contributions. The fact that nearly all of the songs included here are either exclusive to this project or rare tracks that aren't otherwise available anymore serves to emphasize the extraordinary character of this release.

One of the highlights on "Whom The Moon A Nightsong Sings" is certainly Empyrium's contribution – the ensemble's first new recording in four years and the impressive beginning of a new creative period. Also featured are the genre's founding fathers, Ulver, with a very rare recording from 1997: their track 'Synen' was only featured on a very limited underground compilation and is probably the Norwegians' most sought-after song. The contributions by bands such as October Falls, Nest, or Neun Welten – artists who have forged the genre's identity in the last ten years and have become major points of reference for lovers of dark, nature-attuned acoustic music – or by as-yet unknown quantities such as the British project Nhor or Syven from Finland are also delivering the goods and certainly bear comparison with the genre's founding fathers. The enchanting cover artwork courtesy of Fursy Teyssier (Les Discrets) tops off a release that, because of its musical content, is certainly going to remain a unique and unrivalled audio document for a long time.

Tracklist CD1:
1. Vàli: Hoestmelankoli *
2. Empyrium: The Days Before The Fall *
3. Nest: Summer Storm (acoustic) *
4. Nebelung: Ich würd es hören *
5. October Falls: Viima *
6. Ainulindalë: A Year Of Silence *
7. Les Discrets: 5 Montee Des Epies *
8. Les Discrets: Apres l'Ombre **
9. Musk Ox: Solstice *
10. Havnatt: Dagen Og Natta *
11. Dornenreich: Dem Wind Geboren
12. Vàli: Haredans I Fjellheimen *

Tracklist CD2:
1. Nhor: Upon The Wind Its Wings Beat Sorrow Into The Stars *
2. Ulver: Synen **
3. Neun Welten: Pan *
4. Tenhi: Kausienranta
5. Bauda: Ocaso (acoustic) *
6. Orplid: Stille (Demo) **
7. Nucleus Torn: Krähenkönigin III
8. Lönndom: Språnget Ur Ursprunget *
9. Syven: How Fare The Gods? *

* exklusive
** rare