Best NON-Metal Albums of 2010

how about the new Phoenix album? anyone dig that? been loving that one. EDIT: shit was released in '09. oopsies!

can't really get into that LCD Soundsystem. been hearing a lot about them lately and just checked them out. not sure why but it reminds of the "clap your hands and say yeah!" which are just terrible for the sake of counter-culture rep. ugh.

this is probably a long shot 'round here but:

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Halcyon Digest is the feature album on triple j this week, so I've been hearing it in bursts. It sounds good. I never did hear the stream. There's an interview with Bradford Cox here if anyone (Dick) is interested.

Gareth Liddiard's Strange Tourist is proving to be a very strong contender for my AOTY. I haven't stopped listening to it all week. The title track as posted in the page before is a highlight, as is this

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Disgustipated, that's some good shit right there. Nice find!

Thank you someone for catching on. If you enjoyed that, be sure to listen to the aforementioned title track on the previous page of this thread. That song is inexplicably good. Going to see the man's band, The Drones, tonight. They are one of the best bands getting around Australia at the moment. I cannot recommend them enough.
Disgusto and anyone else who remotely appreciates LCD: listen to Matthew Dear RIGHT NOW.

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I'm sold on The Age of Adz, I'm still obsessed with Gareth Liddiard, and this is probably the first year in a long time I will actually be able to compile a top 10 list. The last minute of the title track on The Age of Adz pretty much sells the whole album for me. And I Walked.

That Matthew Dear track sounded like something that could grow on me, but didn't jump out at first listen.