Best of 2008

Well, I don't see how albums that are released on like the last half of December could ever make someone's end of year list since no one will even hear them in time :p
Also, I'm disappointed that The Corpse of Rebirth hasn't been mentioned yet.

That album came out in December of 2007 in a limited format. It was released again in 2008. However, it really is amazing

I don't have a list yet, but here are some albums that I enjoyed from 2008:

Manilla Road - Voyager
Darkspace - Dark Space III
Dead Congregation - Graves of the Archangels
Mgła - Groza
Caïna - Temporary Antennae
Faustcoven - Rising from Below the Earth
Misery's Omen - Hope Dies
Agalloch - The White EP
Earth - The Bees Made Honey in the Lion's Skull
ColdWorld - Melancholie²
Velnias - Sovereign Nocturnal
Nyktalgia - Peisithanatos
October Falls - The Womb of Primordial Nature
Urfaust - Drei Rituale Jenseits Des Kosmos
Darkthrone - Dark Thrones and Black Flags

I still want to hear quite a few albums from this year, but those are the ones I've heard and enjoyed. I wouldn't have ever listened to quite a few of them if not for this forum.
I want the fucking Velvet Cacoon album to actually come out.

The masters and layouts for this album were confirmed as received by Jon, the owner of Full Moon Productions, but it's been delayed somewhat because he has other things scheduled for release that are coming out around the same time.