Best of each genre

Heavy/Traditional: Iron Maiden
Thrash: Overkill and old Sepultura
Power: Helloween
Speed: Cacophony
Death: Obituary and Bolt Thrower
Glam: old Pantera
Metalcore: Unearth (most of you hate this genre, and will probably flame me, but I don't care)
black: Graveland
heavy: Pagan Altar or Manilla Road if they count
doom: Cathedral
death: Carcass
thrash: Sodom
of the genres I listen to...

Death: Hypocrisy
Black: Borknagar, Emperor
Thrash: Slayer
Avantgarde: Arcturus
Industrial: Rammstein
Progressive: Opeth
Blue_Jay said:
lol why did you include hardcore in there? Not really what metalheads like.


Montu Sekhmet said:
eh? Black Sabbath were not satanic.

But you've gotta agree that Iron Maiden are Grim Black Metal. And that Cannibal Corpse are Symphonic Black Metal.

Grim black metal: Iron Maiden
Kvlt black metal: Morbid Angel
Necro black metal: Slayer
Satanic Black Metal: Black Sabbath
Symphonic black metal: Cannibal Corpse

DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
Please tell me that you're not the only perceptive one on the whole fucking forum?!?!?!?!?! *hangs self from gallows spaghetti western style*

Hey I got it. I was being sarcasic. I tend to do that...
Thrash - Sepultura
Doom - My Dying Bride, Old Katatonia
Folk - Agalloch
Black - Emperor
Death - Bloodbath
Prog - Nevermore
Power - Symphony X
dEaThToFaLsEmEtAl34 said:
The only thing resembling death metal in Opeth is the vocals which isn't enough to classify it as such.

This has been discussed to no conclusion, just drop it now.
Trust me on this one, putting Opeth into a genre is impossible. I've sparred with Dodens on this issue and we have reached no conclusion.
Shut up about Opeth. I should lock this just because it's been done about 500 times and it's pointless, but I won't considering someone will whine. I will however delete stupid posts that are obviously jokes or retarded or just trolling.

DeathsSweetEmbrace said:
Grim black metal: Iron Maiden
Kvlt black metal: Morbid Angel
Necro black metal: Slayer
Satanic Black Metal: Black Sabbath
Symphonic black metal: Cannibal Corpse

OK right now I pretty much fucking hate you because you made a big topic about how the discussion on this forum is horrible or something to that effect...and now you post this?
For me:
Heavy: Motorhead
Power: Demons and Wizards
Doom: Pentagram / Cathedral
Sludge: Crowbar
Thrash: Slayer
Speed: Megadeth (genre nazis fuck off)
Death: Carcass
Black: Immortal
V.V.V.V.V. said:
OK right now I pretty much fucking hate you because you made a big topic about how the discussion on this forum is horrible or something to that effect...and now you post this?

I said it was dull. I was making no complaints about people being juvenile and stupid, which I flat out admitted to being guilty of in said thread. If you don't like my jokes, I won't fault you on that (because a great deal of my jokes suck ass), but to hate someone for making a wise crack? Fucking chill out...