Definitely Averse Sefira, but calling them "orthodox" black metal is a stretch. The only reason they're lumped into that sub-sub-genre so frequently is because of their ties to Antaeus, Watain, and Secrets of the Moon.
S.V.E.S.T. would be next, although their recent split with DSO fucking sucked. Still, Urfaust was awesome. Another band that it would be a stretch to call "orthodox", though.
Next would be Ofermod, and definitely the best band that I would consider to be a part of the orthodox movement.
From the rest, Watain's first album is good, as is half of their second, but their newest one sure is shit. Funeral Mist's demos were good, but "Salvation" was rather boring, and "Maranatha" was absolutely awful. Antaeus's first album is AWESOME, and DPE is decent, but "Blood Libels" sucks. Nefandus is bog-standard and has no reason to exist- old stuff or new stuff. Katharsis are hit-and-miss, but there's no denying VVORLD VVITHOUT END. Glorior Belli... LOL. You know a black metal band is going to suck when they mention Pantera as a primary influence. Their latest is more southern rock than black metal. Ondskapt have cool stylistic ideas, but have a hard time turning those into songs. Malign... LOL. Quite possibly the happiest band in metal. DSO mostly sucks, although there are a few ok riffs on SMRC.