Best pwnage since Opeth flame wars

Do not underestimate the pwnage-powers of Gonzo and Codi. Afterall, they were the Pwn-masters behind the mighty feature film, The Adventures of Codi & Gonzo. We all are Pwn-n00bz and have some homework to do on tr00 pwnage. We should start an official Pwnage-thread where everyone can go practice to become a Pwn-master. When all teh n00b3rz have been trained into pwnators, we can engage war in other forums.


hahahaha double account :rolleyes:
Do not underestimate the pwnage-powers of Gonzo and Codi. Afterall, they were the Pwn-masters behind the mighty feature film, The Adventures of Codi & Gonzo. We all are Pwn-n00bz and have some homework to do on tr00 pwnage. We should start an official Pwnage-thread where everyone can go practice to become a Pwn-master. When all teh n00b3rz have been trained into pwnators, we can engage war in other forums.

actually, there's already been a war against another forum... :lol:
actually, there's already been a war against another forum... :lol:

There can't be too many wars on the internet, so I'm not too late yet! If My Chemical Romance has a messageboard, we should bomb it. The emos wuld go :zombie: and all metalheads would lol at their dead "bodies". Then we have a big pwn-party and wage war on other forums just for fun. If the emos exact revenge, we will recruit more and more n00bz and gather a HUUUGE pwn-army. Let's conquer the internet, n0W duderz!!!
Gonzo and Codi...
it's not mean... is pure pwnage.

i bet he feels honored to be pwned by the two of us...

Why don't you just add everybody on msn and pwn them? I laughed hard at the emo insults, but he made some good gheyz0r comebacks..
KillerGon said:
RiderOfJustice: you are so teh gheyz0rz.. everytime u post.. my chemical romance gets a new hit record

Dude that is pure genious... The funniest thing you could've said is everytime you post.. the lead singer of my chemical romance dyes his fucking hair and emos wank over it :lol: