Big 'plop' in Domination PL


Has anyone ever noticed there's a kind of a big mistake on the track Domination on Symphony X's Paradise Lost album? At 3.31 a loud 'plop' is audible. Strange, this apparently escaped the attention of the producer/mixer of the album.

Hey dude,
yes absolutely. I am so intrigued that you noticed that and commented. To be honest, I thought something was moving around in the trunk of my car. I wondered how that escaped inspection.
yes, its there, and yes, it has been discussed here years ago. i think we all agreed that someone bumped on the mic while MJR was recording his solo section, and because the solo was recorded so perfectly MJR decided to put that take in the final mix not caring about that noise. I would have too.
Sorry to say this, but who cares about this awful song? Let's see, why? First, the intro: Great bass, then... good thrash drums, then a new drum pattern enters from nowhere, ruining all the immersion with a too power metal sound... then starts a good riff but in no way connected with the power metal section, then, suddenly, Russel starts singing when there's no good immersion yet... in a section that tries to be heavy but it doesn't sound like it... pre-chorus, well, then, the word Domination and another bad connection here with the next part, that it's power metal again...
It's really boring to keep talking about what's next...
Summary: what we have, bad intro, lack of immersion, too many awfully connected sections, a commercial power metal drum pattern that it's even repeated!, bad chorus, uninspired sections... I don't know but I think in this song the band (or Mike Romeo) had a lack of inspiration, were in a hurry to make a new song and tried to be commercial... I'm so sorry, that's not Symphony X, the great level of attention to detail, the hard work and passion it's not there like in their previous works.
hey I guess I couldnt disagree with you more. I think Domination is one of THE best prog metal tunes out there. The structure is super starting wtih that bad ass bass riff and then MJR's riff is very technical, catchy and appropriate. As ar Russell's vox and indeed the instrumentation and arrangement. To each his own though, right? However, are you quite sure you feel the way you do about this tuneage?
Sorry to say this, but who cares about this awful song? Let's see, why? First, the intro: Great bass, then... good thrash drums, then a new drum pattern enters from nowhere, ruining all the immersion with a too power metal sound... then starts a good riff but in no way connected with the power metal section, then, suddenly, Russel starts singing when there's no good immersion yet... in a section that tries to be heavy but it doesn't sound like it... pre-chorus, well, then, the word Domination and another bad connection here with the next part, that it's power metal again...
It's really boring to keep talking about what's next...
Summary: what we have, bad intro, lack of immersion, too many awfully connected sections, a commercial power metal drum pattern that it's even repeated!, bad chorus, uninspired sections... I don't know but I think in this song the band (or Mike Romeo) had a lack of inspiration, were in a hurry to make a new song and tried to be commercial... I'm so sorry, that's not Symphony X, the great level of attention to detail, the hard work and passion it's not there like in their previous works.

Cool story, bro.