Old School, for the record, in case you think that's what I said (him making an apology to get his board back), he didn't make that apology because he wanted his board back. I don't think I have EVER seen Milano apologize for ANYthing except what he did for you. As I said in private, per a phone call I had personally with him, I think it was genuine and sincere. He made that post even before I had talked with him (after talking with you) and it was simply made because I told him your Mom really did have cancer. He told me (without my asking) that he was going to email you privately. We all say stupid things, whether they hit on truth or not. I'm sure if we all went searching each others post history we'd find some rather stupid posts.
On a side note, I will probably be allowing Billy to have his board back but there will be rules on both sides of the fence. He doesn't make personal attacks against others here and vice versa. The only way anyone will see what he is saying is by venturing into his area. If you don't want to be ticked off and what not, just don't visit, I mean it will really, really be that simple. I "get" Milano for the most part. I mean, anyone who has read MOD/SOD lyrics/song titles and doesn't get the fact that he mixes truth with tongue in cheek schtick, well, I don't know what to say. I'm an Anthrax fan and I never took personally him attacking "All you Anthrax fans" personally. I laughed! Even if it were sincere it was funny. I mean, I have way more serious things to worry about in life other than Milano hating me for liking Anthrax! I don't agree with all his opinions, but I don't have to. Same with anyone else here. I read tons of posts here, I don't agree with it all. So what? I just move on.
As I told someone else here, if you don't like the dog barking, just stop antagonizing it. I hope everyone will remain cool about it all and just not visit the forum if you don't like what Milano says and the way he says it. Hell half the people here should have been banned for attacking Anthrax in their own damn forum ya know? Things get said in the heat of "drama" sometimes. I don't excuse what he said about OSH's Mom and I think his apology was indeed a real one OS. I wouldn't even contemplate allowing him back if I didn't think it wasn't...and I am on noone's side on this for it to matter to me (make sense?). Let's all just realize there's way more in life to worry about that the lyricist for MOD/SOD opinions and such, perty please?