Black Metal vs Death Metal

Gunnarr Gudthmundsson

New Metal Member
Nov 30, 2011
I'm sure many other threads like this have sprung up previously, so I apologize if you are annoyed.

I think Black Metal is the better genre, because even though the instrumental styles are similar, they are very different, and i feel that death metal's instrumental are a bit too hectic (does not go for all death metal). As for vocals, i think the vocal style for black metal sounds better, than that of death metal.

I apologize if my views are a little scewed, and and/or sound like a complete noob. I would like to hear other people's opinions and views on the matter.
I can understand having a preference for one over the other, but they're too different for me to say one is better than the other. Old school death metal has always been my go to but, when the weather starts to get cold I suppose I "get" more out of black metal.

Death metal is the better genre for flat out riffing and nastiness... ugly black metal doesnt do much for me.
In comparison, artsy death metal is boring to me and I think black metal definitely gets the edge with bands like Pensees Nocturnes, Alcest, A Forest of Stars, etc having no equal is death metal. (I really enjoy symphonic black metal too, and death metal's only match for that is septicflesh, regardless of how good they are)

It's all about what I'm looking for at the time really, I guess.
I don't think there is one better than the other, just different. Black metal gives me a different feeling than death metal but both just as powerfull. I seem to listen to more black metal when its getting closer to winter as well.