Blackwater Park: The song

Hmmm ... It's an alright song I suppose .. by any other band would be the best.
But Opeth have created much greater songs and albums by far....
I don't really listen to it anymore.. actually I never listen to it...
It was ok but it grew on me and then I was sick of it many other albums by other bands .. but still life, morningrise and mayh grew on me and I still love em ...

What I mean is that the riffs are great .. everything is awesome but it's too ... in your face. And it didn't take me long to get into .. a few months and I was used to it and a bit sick of it .. I can put on still life and it still has the fresh feeling it gave me from the first listen ..

Just my opinion I guess
hmmm, i didn't think this board would be so dull

anyway, yes BWP is my favorite song off BWP, when thy come back in after the soft passage, that is such a captivating moment.
Yeah Blackwater Park was the song that got me into Opeth... although I've been listening to less of it since I've been getting into The Funeral Portrait and The Leper Affinity more lately... but yes, thanks for the mention, I think I'll go listen to it now... definately a song to be added to the live setlist (not that it matters to me since all their gigs are over 18 anyway).