Blood Alliance - Studio updates

Crikey! Break the glass on the emergency bottle of Jaig!
Hey guys,

Greetings from Foel Studio! We arrived yesterday about 6 ish which left us some time to relax, have some beers and set up ready for today. I have to say this place is as close to the real life Neverworld as can possibly be. There's a really cool vibe here...

Anyway, we're underway with the drum tracks and so far it's sounding totally kickass. Rich is sweating his ass off (and we're only 2 songs in :lol:) We'll work on a couple more tonight and then crack on with some of the more 'challenging' numbers tomorrow ;)
Evening all!

As Andy said, it's all going great here. Miles from anyway and very good place to work. Not great for your car though....the fucking potholes in the country lanes are crazy! We're back on it in about 30 mins so it'll be a late one! Hope everyone is doing great!
Morning! Me and Rich are ready to roll at just about to get a bucket of cold water thrown on him in bed! hahahaha!

Rich did a great job yesterday and recorded 3 songs and we are aiming for another 3 songs today! Catch ya later!!!!