Blood Alliance - Studio updates

Well, Andy has left the studio for the time being as he starts a new job tomorrow in Manchester. He'll be back in due course to complete his parts. Meanwhile......Gav jumps into the hot seat for his turn!

I'm back there tomorrow with Paul due at the weekend to record his bass parts.
andy has moved from Chesterfield to Manchester so hes based there now and starts his new job today!

I'm back at the studio today to find Gav has been really sick these past few days but, like the trooper he is, he is in the studio shredding like a demon! The rhythm guitar sound has knocked me for six.....very powerful indeed!
It's a beautiful day here in mid wales and we are all set for another day of rhythm guitars from Mr Gav Owen! Starting a couple of different songs and also double tracking some of the parts he has already recorded!

Later this week will see the arrival of Paul and the return of Rich and Andy for a few days to get more pieces of the puzzle in place. Hey, I might even start some keyboards one of these days! lol!
Gav and I are about to hit the studio again in about 45 minutes.....another day of guitars! We finished up around 1:30am this morning and it will be another similar day today!

Looks like a wet one again.....started of lovely yesterday but by mid afternoon the rain had set in and it stayed for the rest of the day!
Finally got some connection! The rhythm guitars sound HUGE. I'm setting off for the studio now so the valleys better be prepared... the ENGL shall be cranked to full volume later to record some lead action!
Well Paul and Andy arrived back at Foel late last night and Andy is currently in the studio putting down the first of the guitar leads.

Gav has headed back to South Wales this morning for a well earned breather before returning on Wednesday evening. Paul starts his bass parts tomorrow.

In the meantime I am busy selecting keyboard sounds for all the various aspects of the songs and cooking dinner for the guys!
Cooking machine, your food was prepared many nights ago~
andy finished his leads at 3:30am this morning and is now back in Manchester. fucking awesome work dude!

Gav will be back to start his leads on Wednesday night.

Meanwhile Paul is currently tracking bass and has completed four songs so far and we are heading back in about half an hour for another 4 or 5 hour session!
