english, german, dutch, norwegian, swedish and icelandic are similarly
I've never learned dutch (I should do... nice country to life. You know why, guy's

) but I'm able to understand more than 90% of a dutch text. funny hm?
an example:
Twee koffie en een zakje White Widow voor vijfentwintig en een halfje Skunk, alstublieft
Zwei Kaffee und ein Säckchen (???) White Widow für fündundzwanig und ein halbes (Säckchen) Skunk, bitte.
Two coffee and a small bag (säckchen = small bag) White Widow vor twentyfive and a half (small bag) Skunk, please.
I was able to read the whole text, excluded the word "alstublief"
(If you'll be in the Netherlands one day, you should avoid to say this sentence in any other place than a coffeeshop
