Bloodbath Minus Swano...Will It Prevail?

Still figuring that out. The return of Akerfeldt helps a lot. His new singing style is perfectly fitting in its brutality. It almost reminds me of Meshuggah sometimes...not sure why. Overall though, it sounds great from the few songs I've heard. Definitely not a disappointment.
The Fathomless Mastery is actually quite good. It lacks that catchy, 'immediate' quality that Dan provided when he was a member of the band, and the production isn't as think and thunderously heavy as Nightmares Made Flesh, but it succeeds in it's own ways. 'Mock The Cross' is definitely the stand out track for me so far.
The new album, and ep, are both good but I don't think Bloodbath is one-of-a-kind anymore. Before I thought they were pretty unique or stood out amongst the other bands, now they "just" feel like a good band amongst other good bands.
Will always miss Dan's influence, his stuff is so good.

Bloodbath is still an A+ death metal band that I support, but they are just not the same as they once were. To some they're better, to others they are worse, but it's all a matter of taste for the style of death metal you like.
Haha. The original EP is what I would have liked them to stick with. I didn't like RTC so much but NMF was one of my favorite albums. UTP was also amazing and *perfectly* fit my current taste as I was blasting that day after day in the car : )
fathomless though...... Track 2 5 6 are the only ones I was into right away. I actually don't like mock the cross that much. Seems silly although I only know the lyrics that you see in the title lol.
I think if Dan was involved in UTP it would have become my favorite album of all time.......after crimson of course. When it's all said and done though, the best albums of all time IMO will be Crimson, moontower, moontower2, moontower3, moontower 4. But *only* if they get those names : /
The fathomless mastery is in my top-3 albums of 2008. It owns and there's no reason not to buy it.

I'm not going to claim that the Swanö-era is better or worse, though, because to me, Bloodbath is very different now. But Bloodbath is and has always been an A+ death metal band and I hope they continue doing great music until the end of the world. :)
The new album is great.
I'm missing a bit the groovy riffs they used to have in Nightmares Made Flesh, but I'm really enjoying the album nevertheless.

This reminds me, am I the only one that noticed Wretched Human Mirror has the same playback as Bastard Son of God, except with different lyrics?
And the beginning of At the Behest of their Death reminds me a lot of beginning of Slaves Shall Serve, by Behemoth.
Most of my favorite Bloodbath songs are Swano's. I'm on edge with the new album, its not groovy anymore...
after my 9th listen now i've decided they are all awesome songs save a few in the mid. i wouldnt skip any of them to get to a song that i like though. I still think bloodbath is extremely unique... they have the best singer in death metal for fucks sake : /
and once you hear it you can easily tell it was katatonia's guys without swano's aid. Very unique.
I liked the sound of UTP more but TFM has amazing lyrics and vocals :)
I agree it is the top 3 albums of the year. The original EP is what im listening to now and I would have liked them to use this stuff again too ; /
Maybe later. The current cd takes a while to get into but give it PLENTY of listens. I assure you it's worth it.