Bloodbath Minus Swano...Will It Prevail?

holy shit...there's a new bloodbath!!!
I'm still grinding unblessing the purity on my cell phone...i'm totally psyched now on getting it.

as for the topic, I think the "swanöless" bloodbath is ehm...different. they are awesome in their own way mostly because most of the band members have proven themselves talented and swanö isn't there. that just means that the music now is more Renkse-Blakkheim oriented which is not a bad thing. what's true is that it's great to see Mike back there...Tägtgren is a great vocalist but the original vocalist was Mikael and if looking back NMF is the only BB record not featuring Mikael and i'm pretty sure is the last.
don't knwo if it's swano but the new album lacks cohesive songwriting, groove, and fun. those are the three things i like about the band.
The Unblessing EP kicks all sorts of ass, and is reminiscent of the original EP, but with some amped up brutality and vocals.

The Fathomless Mastery reminds me more of Nightmares Made Flesh, which Dan also played on and helped write. So I wouldn't say that anything either good or bad about the new disc has to do with Dan's departure.
To all who miss the early style & sound of "Breeding Death", I highly recommend the new DEMIURG album "The Hate Chamber"!
Rogga is just about the only human that can compete with Akerfeldt for Death Metal vocal supremacy & Dan produced, mixed & played amazing keyboards & leads on it!
Blakkheim writes my favorite BB songs(wrote majority of the Breeding Death e.p also) and the bands sound really is a result of Blakkheim and Jonas. Dan Swanö is amazing don't get me wrong, but does not make or break the band.
Blakkheim writes my favorite BB songs(wrote majority of the Breeding Death e.p also) and the bands sound really is a result of Blakkheim and Jonas. Dan Swanö is amazing don't get me wrong, but does not make or break the band.

Shut up! :)
I realised... take any Bloodbath song... when you play "So you die" after it you think: Shit, that song slays!
So after the Fathomless Cockery I'm sure we all know where Dan's absence leaves us. You should seriously kick that Per guy out and get back in there, maybe kick blakkheim too with his gigantic ego.

But I do have a question...

Before that whole thing happened did you have any songs in the works for when Bloodbath would record again? If so will we ever hear those? :D
Uhm.....I hate to admit it , but I was trying to convince myself that I still loved bloodbath but, without Dano,there isn't any groove in their music anymore,to me , is just another death metal band...
UTP was a good release since it had riffs and cool songwriting, I can agree that it lacked the old sort of Bloodbath defining grooves though. TFM was just a horrible modern mess. Would be cool if Dan picked up a HM-2 some day and released some first class chainsaw death metal with the fantastic hooks :)
Yeah, I liked Unblessing The Purity enough, but The Fathomless Mastery pretty much left me cold, other than 'Mock The Cross', and a couple other songs. Certainly didn't make me particularly excited for any future material from the band, that's for sure.
Uhm.....I hate to admit it , but I was trying to convince myself that I still loved bloodbath but, without Dano,there isn't any groove in their music anymore,to me , is just another death metal band...

you know what, when i saw this thread, that is exactly what i thought too

i wanted to love new bloodbath.....but its just so bland

UTP wasnt bad, but TFM was shit

i listened to it once.......tried a second time and was just utterly bored

come back swano :(:(:(:(:(
Fuck you guys.
TFM is almost as good as UTP, their two best releases imo.
The groove is still there, just a bit different, in a good way.
Hopefully it wont take 2-3 years for their next masterpiece to be done.
The groove is not still there.
New Bloodbath sounds like typical generic death metal now.. Nothing sets it apart.
Nightmares Made Flesh was imo the last Bloodbath album.
^ Without a doubt.

RTC and NMF are landmarks in the death metal genre, Fathomless is as stale as it gets.

Unblessing the purity granted me shit tons of hope, especially when they said it was how their future stuff was going to sound. Epic fail.

Bring back the man :)
UTP was a good release since it had riffs and cool songwriting, I can agree that it lacked the old sort of Bloodbath defining grooves though. TFM was just a horrible modern mess.

One of your worst post ever. (well, if i disregard the retardedness and spam ;) )
You say the album is a big mess and you think Hades Rising is one of the best tracks on the album? The track that is so disjointed I almost dislocate a shoulder listening to it, talk about a mess. Its like a random shitfest mix of cool riffs that cant stand beeing next to eachother, that epic 2min ending with that great solo deserved much better.

EmeticGore, you also thought Hades was a great pick for a video. How the hell is this possible?
How can you favorize that track when you complain about the album not having the groove the older albums have?
The only thing I can think of is bacause of the epic ending .

All in all... It doesnt sound like before, but there is lots of groove on this album, its just mixed with bridges of blastbeats and faster riffs, making the songs and album more interesting and last longer than the older releases.

Devouring the Feeble
Moch The Cross
Slaughtering the Will to Live

If you cant feel the groove in these tracks you just fail.
One good song doesn't mean anything about an entire album, the only 2 parts I liked were the chorus and ending naturally. I said it would make a good video because of it's lyrical content and scale possibilities but um, yeah.

It comes down to taste, and unfortunetly for you the majority would prefer to see Bloodbath continue at what they do best. Which is not the technicality approach.

So they either need to really try harder on the next album or cut some loose ends in the lineup.

imo ;)
Fortunately for me it doesnt really matter, since I love all their albums, but I doubt the guys in the band will listen the your weak cries and continue to do what they want.


As long as they dont get oldschool and start doing simple straightforward dirty and thrashy death like in the 80s, im all fine.