Bloodshed Over Bochum

if hes into that type of weather go to dubai, you'll melt in secs

dude I'm a red haired guy from Sweden with minus in personal sun block :lol:

I once got sun burn from walking outside for a few hours in early May in the northern parts of my country :goggly:

Last time in Mexico I burned my hands so bad they got purple and looked like they died :ill:

So no, I won't be heading to Dubai anytime soon ;)
I was waking up for the first morning in my hotel in Bochum, arrived at about 11:30 the night before! Then I went for a look around the town before preparing for METAL!
One year ago we were riding the loaded city bus the the venue with the French blowing the horn. Classic. Good times/memories for sure. On the way back, Irish tried to still our taxi on the way back to the hotel while somebody was trying to get into it's trunk. Fuckin' epic. Puts a tear in my eye.