
Fuckity fuck fuck!:mad:
My skin messed up a little (rash thingy) so it looks like I'll have to have the tattoo appointment postponed! Bugger!
Sorry, no pic of the design. But basically it just says "No Salvation" with some little drops that look like blood. I'll take a pic when it's done ok?
I hope he got the sarcasm, but when ''Through the looking Glass'' is your avator tagline, it suggests retardedness.
Actual session time was around 6 to 7 hours

Money paid, from what I remember it was £100 to 130. The tattooist and the shop's going to Wacken this year :)
DoodgeGant said:
Actual session time was around 6 to 7 hours

Money paid, from what I remember it was £100 to 130. The tattooist and the shop's going to Wacken this year :)
I hope they didnt ask YOU for directions.
Ralf said:
I hope they didnt as YOU for directions.

Hey Im fully confident in my route of travel now. Straight through France pass Orkney Isles stopping at Iceland until we hit Germany.