
DoodgeGant said:
Actual session time was around 6 to 7 hours

Money paid, from what I remember it was £100 to 130. The tattooist and the shop's going to Wacken this year :)

for a tat that big and nice, that was a good deal.

That is one of the coolist dragon tats i have seen in a while:rock:
Cool tattoos

Since i started playing guitar and watched the movie amadeus, ive wanted to get a small tattoo on my back upper left, above my shoulder blade that says "Salieri". the meaning behind it is that i seem to always be second best no matter waht i do, im never good enough. then some day when i am older and more mature i plan to have mozart on the opposite right side.
thats my plan, it seems original enough.
Bryan_Of_Bodom said:
I was thinking about getting the word death tattooed on me in a foreign language, just as a constant reminder to live everyday to the fullest, just fucking party hard and rock out.

you should have it done in mordor or somethin from lotr