
Me also wants tips... *claps hands togheter*

I am currently reading "Zoology" By Dorit, Walker and Burnes and the marveluos "Scientists" by Tord Ajanki.

Historical (cultural and scientific), and good Philosophy, books on the subject of modern human evolution, and how we create our own evulotion would be HIGHLY apriciated...:)
Reading The Island of the Day Before, by Umberto Eco...

My fave books of all time:On the Road, by Jack Kerouac
The Name of the ROse- Umberto Eco
Geek Love- Katherine Dunn
House of Leaves- Mark Danielewski
Sacrament- Clive Barker
Blood Meridian- Cormac McCarthy (epic novel of violence and human depravity- phenomenal.)
Invisible Monsters- Chuck Palahniuk
I love books! I hate to read them! But I still love books! >:eek:P
I love the way the look and smell.... I like having them.....
Honestly! I don't have time for reading. People say it's nice
for relaxing, I say it takes away valuable time to listen to
music! Maybe I just haven't found "my" book yet.

I have one favourite though --> "High Fidelity" by Nick
Hornby,and guess what? It's about music! >:eek:P Hehehe....
I just can't help it.... hornby's other books are great as well...
But that one book is just brilliant :eek:)

If I read books it's not made up stories, more facts etc.
I love to read things about media, and then how to get to
know yourself better books :eek:) Books about dreams and
stars etc :eek:)

Originally posted by HellSpawn
my fav for the moment is, The Wheel of Time, by Robert Jordan
it is an epic fantasy tale, and damn it is great! :)

I have to read this book one time... or well.... THOSE books,
innit? I've heard there are many books, nine or something?
You see I am on the Wheel Of Time channel (Norwegian) on
irc, but I haven't read the book(s)! Just stay there cause
most of the people there have great tastes in music! >:eek:P
Oooh ooh ooh read any chuck palahniuk! He raawwwkkss :) author of fight club, which IMO is one of his weaker books! They all raaawk

And if you want philosophy youcan always be cheered up by Nietzsche ;) or bored outof ur arse by Plato!

But ATM i'm readiny - Lords Of Chaos, The Bloody Rise Of The Satanic Metal Underground... Its interesting. Varg Vikernes manages to contradict himself so many times within one sentence. Its ridiculous. I've seen seven year old children with more mature worldviews than he has...
Hello. I love books. I have had my eye on THE VOLCANIC EARTH by Lin Sutherland - 'Volcanoes and Plate Tectonics Past, Present and Future' and is mine. :D A great read.
Arthur Hailey, hell yes! I love him.

As well as the Wheel of Time, although the last few books leave something to be desired. But I'll still read the whole series again when the next book comes out.

And the new Jean Auel book comes out soon! 5th book in the Clan of the Cave Bear series. Pretty good series although the 4th book was pretty dull.

But I haven't read anything in over 5 months. Takes too much time. And if I find a good book, I stay up late reading because I don't want to put the book down. And I already don't sleep enough. gah.

Other favorites (off the top of my head):
Isaac Asimov's Foundation Series
Dan Simmon's Hyperion Cantos series
most of Neal Stevenson's and William Gibson's books.
I have quite some time to read in the morning and in the afternoon when I go to or home from work (I go by public transport). Actually, I read different sorts of books: the last "real books" were Ann Rice's "The Vampire Lestat" and a philosophical one (main philosophers from the beginning of philosophy to the present time); truly refreshing in the morning :lol: :) now I'm reading my favourite fantasy-series again: John Sinclair (you know: the demon hunter etc.) :D :eek:
Uh... John Sinclair... I did read it when I was a teenager, I really loved it.

My fave novel is "The Eight" by Katherine Neville. It has a true historical background... very interesting book.

I like the novels of Maroin Zimmer Bradley (The Forest House, Lady Of Avalon, The Mists Of Avalon. etc. ), all on V.C. Andrews,

I like reading biographical books. Been reading of Henry VIII, Maria Stuart, Tina Turner, ...

Books of history, science, astrology, esoterics, photo books esp. of Simon Marsden...
Oooo, more ppl reding The Weel of Time, eh? I've read 'em to. Great reading, but, as The Nomad mentioned, I was also a little disappointed with the last books... Even better books (I have to admit, though it kinda feels like betraying WoT when saying it) are The Sword of Truth by Terry Goodkind. Those are just incredible. I'm eagerly waiting for the next books in that serie to come out in paper-back, as well as waiting for the next WoT book. (I read somewhere that Jordan once said there would be ten of them? Though an awful lot of things have to happend in one book then...)

Now I'm reding Blond by Joyce Carol Oates (about Marilyn Monroe) in Norwegian, The Ultimate Hitch-hikers Guide To the Galaxy (don't remember the author's name right now...) in English, and Le Comte de Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas in French..... The most stupid thing I've even done, to start reading more than one book at a time. And of course, if I get one of those fantasy books before I've finished one of these here, I will start reading that one to.... bah
Originally posted by Fjelltussa
Oooo, more ppl reding The Weel of Time, eh? I've read 'em to. Great reading, but, as The Nomad mentioned, I was also a little disappointed with the last books... Even better books (I have to admit, though it kinda feels like betraying WoT when saying it) are The Sword of Truth by Terry Goodkind. Those are just incredible.
yeah gotta agree with you there... the WoT books got a little dissapointed in the last books, but from book 10 and out it will just get better! trust me! :D
and The Sword of Truth is great books! that is the only books I have read that are as good as WoT.. and well ofcourse Tolkien was one of the best.

and I love the Harry Potter books! :D not many want to give this books even a look! but damn it is great books!

Someone here read comics??
oh hell yes! my fav would probably be Spawn, have followed Spawn since the first issue, got all of the issues from 1 to now.. except a all to huge hole between 45-67 or something :mad: and all the Spawn related comics, like; Spawn - The Darkages, Curse of the Spawn, Hellspawn, Spawn - The Undead, but my fav Spawn related storry is Sam and Twitch. Just love those crime storys, it is so much different then the rest of the Spawn comics

and i love Preacher!
and alot of old Marvel... and Bone, are great a comic!
The Crow(from Image Comics)
and i really like some manga comics, like; Blade - The Immortal and Crying Freeman.
and for those who play RPG, you should really check out Knights of The Dinnertable! it is just so much fun! :lol:

and well, i read some norwegian comics to; Nemi, Eon and Pondus

cant remember any more comics I read right now... but I read a lot of comics :D :)

*edit* added some more :)
I read a book over Nordic Mythology. It is written in Old-Dutch and there are a lot of poems in it. Great book.

About the comics: I read them a lot. My favorite is Storm. It is a science ficton -fantasy story.