vanquish the pain
Yeah, that Twilight hype reminds me a little of the Harry Potter mania a couple of years back. When I heard of the series for the first time I wasn't really impressed and/or tempted to read them but now Twilight is just like everywhere. Friends are discussing the books in my presence and I am like "wtf?"
Never really been into vampire stories either although I more or less accidently read one just recently (a swedish book, Låt den rätte komma in) and it didn't exactly support the idea to read more vampire novels. Not sure how long I can resist the pressure around me though 
The last books I read were Liza Marklunds Gömda and Asyl (no idea about the English titles - the books are based on the true story of a family that is being threated by the former fiancé) and yet another book by Torey Hayden, Sheila. I suspect I should look for the originals rather than the German translations which probably aren't exactly great - or I just don't like her style
The stories are quite interesting though. Hayden is a psychologist/teacher and writes about her work with disturbed and/or disabled children.
Not sure which book is next in line....there are enough lying around

The last books I read were Liza Marklunds Gömda and Asyl (no idea about the English titles - the books are based on the true story of a family that is being threated by the former fiancé) and yet another book by Torey Hayden, Sheila. I suspect I should look for the originals rather than the German translations which probably aren't exactly great - or I just don't like her style

Not sure which book is next in line....there are enough lying around