Wasteland Survivor
currently reading THE BLOODY CROWN OF CONAN:The people of the black circle, by ROBERT E. HOWARD.
"how to build a porn site using C#, php and paypal for dummies"
I just finished some Dostoyevsky books (Crime and Punishment, Brothers Karamazov and White Nights)... amazing writer.
yes it is...but it's also the new generation of the C language.
if you're familiar with basic C syntax you'd know that C++ means to increment C by one c<-c+1
C# got its name not from the musical note but from the 4 pluses that look kind of like a sharp ++
++ ->#
some useless information
I'm revisiting the Belgariad by David Eddings, about 10 years after I last read it. It's a great series for adolescent boys, which is probably why I liked it so much then, but reading it now as an adult I still get a lot of satisfaction out of it. What I missed the first time around was how much the author makes fun of the main character for being a moody, angsty teenager.
These books became my favourite during high school. I've been meaning to buy and re-read them for a long time.
I'm now on the last (of 7) book of the Tomorrow series by John Marsden. I read the first couple of books when I was younger, but never got around to finishing the series. So I'm doing it now!
They're good books though. Fairly simple, but tell a fantastic tale of Australia being invaded by foreign troops, and the adventures of a group of teenagers during the invasion, and impending war.
That seems like a very interesting series! I'm going to buy the first one, it looks great!Thanks for recommending it!
Is there a difference between the 1995 and 2006 edition (other than the cover)?
As far as I know, no. Would just be a new edition I'd say. The ones I read were all original pressings, didn't know there were new editions!
Tonight I'm going to (re) start reading The Crimson Petal and the White by Michel Faber, a book my english teacher told me to read 3 years ago, and I have started many times, but never got passed the first 20 or so pages.