
To the one who is interested: Troll of Troys is a brilliant comic! Is about trolls and is very, VERY funny!:D You know this comic, Hellspawn? Because if you doesn't, you must check it out!:)
To the one who is interested: Troll of Troys is a brilliant comic! Is about trolls and is very, VERY funny!:D You know this comic, Hellspawn? Because if you doesn't, you must check it out!:)
To the one who is interested: Troll of Troys is a brilliant comic! Is about trolls and is very, VERY funny!:D You know this comic, Hellspawn? Because if you doesn't, you must check it out!:)
I read a book of Nordic Mythology and Celtic Mythology, Lord of the Ring I of J.R.R Tolkien, and bookz of Second War... etc etc :D

I read Comic, and Spawn is Great!.... other comics: transmetropolitan, preacher, hellboy, sandman, lucifer... etc
Originally posted by YMIR
To the one who is interested: Troll of Troys is a brilliant comic! Is about trolls and is very, VERY funny!:D You know this comic, Hellspawn? Because if you doesn't, you must check it out!:)
hmmm.. no never heard obout that one, so I trust u that this one is good... only the title of it screams out to me haha :lol:
Il check it out
I usually read several stuff a bit unconnected to each other....what i can't stand reading is philosophy and usually classics... they are somehow too heavy for me ( or i am too dumb for such stuff :p )...
Last year i used to read much psychoanalytical stuff,which i don't really find so interesting anymore....... and even yesterday i read an article by Freud and hmmm found it funny,amusing... :rolleyes:

I also tried to start reading a book by terry pratchett,but got confused with all these new names and felt like a total idiot :(
well,i will give it a try again soon : )
i'm trying to read some of A. Crowley writings but they're too cryptic for me... I've always been interested in Magick but i think i need a master :cry:

i'm also trying to read Le Chants de Maldoror, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell and The Thunder Perfect Mind.
I can't believe no one has mentioned Neil Gaiman...Neverwhere, American Gods and the wonderful sandman comics. I love most of the comics on DC Vertigo like Sandman, Preacher, Invisibles, Death....etc....

Right now I am reading Crime and Punishment - Dostoevsky.
Every once in a while I read more of Paradise Lost - Milton.
I read Nature by Emerson when sitting on the toilet:lol:

My favs of all time, to name a few would be:

On the Road - Jack Kerouac
Neverwhere - Neil Gaiman
Catcher in the Rye - Salinger
The Stranger - Albert Camus
Illusions - Richard Bach
...............among others.....
some more books on my shelf are two from the Research series: Modern Primitives and Angry Women, Legend Of The Celtic Stone by Michael Phillips, Everything Is Under Control by Robert Anton Wilson, Metal Techniques For Craftsman? haha a book about Rocks and Minerals, Eye Scream by Henry Rollins, The Complete Works Of William Shakespeare (not yet finished), No One Here Gets Out Alive about Jim Morrison and The Confessions of Henry Lee Lucas and Confessions of Aleister Crowley. I can also recommend some good books on crystals if your interested. :)
Right now I read two books "Mänskliga gränsområden om extas, psykos och galenskap" by the Swedish author Lars Bergquist and another called "Platon not Prozac" written by Lou Marinoff.
@Vintersorg: What kind of books are these and what does the title means??!:confused: btw will you use them on your upcoming albums like the lyrics of Karl-Erik Forsslund?? :)
Two books that I read, that were really interesting, were "Hel - den gömda gudinnan i nordisk mytologi" and "Folket bortom nordavinden", both by Göran and Gunnel Liljenroth. (swedish books)
Both books are dealing with the psychological sates of the human brain and behaviour, that as the modern world see as Madness and insane are just a reflection of us not knowing the process that trigger the steps to sink into a psychosis or mental "illness". And i see that as something very essential to look into but still look beyond the "normal" diagnosis that the doctors give. Most of the geniuses and artistic elite have suffered(or benefit) of longtime mental states that the society see as dangerous and bad. And i think that to feel well you can't cure it all by taking "happy pills" you must treat your soul with a healthy attitude, not just doing five areobic sessions every week
They sound like books I would find interesting. A friend once told me 'Jo, don't think to much, you will break your brain' but I disagree.
That sounded interesting indeed!

I don't like that we/one/ppl(whatever) call ppl "ill" because they have problems of some psycological sort. (It seem to me)that will only make things feel worse. As if they're crazy (well, maybe some are, whatthehell do I know, but it doesn't seem so to me)
I'm actually reading three concurrently which is quite ridiculous, I know!

I just got my hands on 'Lords of Chaos'- a precise and well written account of the black metal movement in Norway. It's fascinating me at the moment (being a fan of the genre).

Also reading War and Peace and a physics book called The Elegant Universe (although I've only just begun this one).