
"Unfortunately, the link you have clicked is not available.
Your transfer cannot be completed. Most likely the file has exceeded its allotted bandwidth or has been removed by the original sender or a recipient."

bandwidth gone hopefully?

any posibility of hosting this a little longer or till access is granted?

or if anyone else can send it somehow?
Well..too bad.

I am afraid Naibaf's hosting site is no longer, the other bootleg on the fansite is also no longer...I must find a place to store them, shall talk to a few friends.

Until then, keep looking around here or the fansite
Nostalgiaplatz said:
Well..too bad.

I am afraid Naibaf's hosting site is no longer, the other bootleg on the fansite is also no longer...I must find a place to store them, shall talk to a few friends.

Until then, keep looking around here or the fansite

:waah: Damn it!!! :yell: I didn't downloaded it.... I didn't have internet conexion during this week. :waah:
Is there no possibility to upload it again?
yuhuuuuu! glad to see the site updated, tons of great stuff :hotjump:
unfortunately i couldn't download the bootleg video too, was too late. hope someone can host both files somewhere on the net, oh, damn, a live video of Come Pierrot/Everasia.. :cry:
Okay, I got an update off of Fabian, his webhost was shutdown for excess of space consumption - unless he decides to pay extra 10$US each month there'll not be a webhosting place... cross your fingers. I am still trying to find someone to host me the vids :)

Sorry all!
@ Nostalgiatplatz

Haven't read all the posts, so I was wondering if you got the live @ Agglutination meanwhile, otherwise I won't send it to ya.
Let me know.
B.t.w., I'm still waiting to get a couple of copies for you and Worn.
Wildhoney said:
@ Nostalgiatplatz

Haven't read all the posts, so I was wondering if you got the live @ Agglutination meanwhile, otherwise I won't send it to ya.
Let me know.
B.t.w., I'm still waiting to get a couple of copies for you and Worn.

Hey Wildy!

How was your holydays? I know, I haven't updated the website yet.. Fabian lost hosting and we're looking for something more stable. Worn is doing us a great favor to upload the vids onto his webspace, thanks a lot pal! :)

I already have the agglutination and I guess worn does have it too already. I've put it online 1 day before fabian's host went out of use. Thanks :)

Yahhhooo :worship:
I use mplayer for over a year, which has proven to be the best player of all I've used, not for the ease of use, but for the correctness in displaying videos and for reading erroneous videos and such.

Download here the windows port of the program:

You must know how to use the command line most of the times, or register the video files to open with mplayer, like I did.
