Borknagar drum Videos

Drummer Dave Kinkade

I'm in the band
Nov 8, 2008
All over
As promised-

A shitload of videos of how I have changed the older Bork tunes and made them my own live. Asgier and I have completely different styles and Ive gotten alot of emails from fans and other drummers wondering what I do during certain parts of certain songs so I just decided to start making videos of them.

Any requests, let me know.

So far, I have-

The Genuine Pulse
The eye of Oden
The Dawn of the End
Oceans Rise
The Black Token

And off of UNIVERSAL-


Here are 2 of them to hold you over until I finish uploading the rest.

The 2 UNIVERSAL tracks will be uploaded after the release.


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Seconded, The Presence is Ominous would be cool. But all of these videos are fucking badass, keep up the great work man. Didn't you say you had a solo project you've been working on? Any news with that?