Borknagar live tonight (14/06) in Drammen, Norway

Originally posted by Sadistik
reviews? Comments? photos? Embarassing backstage stories (nudges Asgeir and V)?

I was there! And it was awesome, until they were
not allowed to play anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW
FUCKING STUPID IS THAT!????!?!??!??!?!! >:eek:((((

I was ready to kill someone right there and then!!!
Right after Colossus (yumyumyum!!! *faints*) they
were told they couldn't play anymore, proably cause
of this rule we have in Norway saying no live music
'outside' (inside as well?) after 3 am >:eek:(

There were five songs left I think! :eek:((((

But man, the little that I saw was great! The crowd
was a little slow though, typical rock festival....

I took a few pics and I got a setlist, think it was
Tyr's.... I'll scan in the setlist and put it out with the
pics in a short while, just have some stuff to do first :eek:)

Fun night until it all very suddenly ended. We were
all left looking like big questionmarks, and Vintersorg
was one angry man >:eek:P
I'm still ready to kill after that horrible incident! The reason why we had to leave the stage was because Jonas Fjeld played 6 songs too much on the main stage. In his contract it said that no other band could play on any other stage while he was on. Amulet, who played before us, stood anxiously waiting to get on and kindly cut one song form their set. This festival definitely need new administrators. There was a lot that didn't work out.

I will personally shove Jonas Fjeld's guitar up where the sun doesn't shine.

- Asgeir
Originally posted by asgeir
I'm still ready to kill after that horrible incident! The reason why we had to leave the stage was because Jonas Fjeld played 6 songs too much on the main stage. In his contract it said that no other band could play on any other stage while he was on. Amulet, who played before us, stood anxiously waiting to get on and kindly cut one song form their set. This festival definitely need new administrators. There was a lot that didn't work out.

I will personally shove Jonas Fjeld's guitar up where the sun doesn't shine.

- Asgeir

YES!!!! I was standing there waiting for Amulet,
and I hear that Jonas dude going "Now we're
on overtime here!" And just continues with two
more songs!!! *Grrrrrrrrrrr*!!!! :eek:(((

Oh well, at least we got _some_ livestuff from
you guys, and it was great!! :eek:) Now I just hope
you'll pop by Rockefeller when you do your tour! :eek:)

\,,/ BORKNAGAR \,,/
Originally posted by Morgana
So not only the ugliest town, also the ugliest festival... hm?

Lol! >:eek:) Hell yes! hehehe... But also the town known
to have the most metal friends in Norway, though that
was proven wrong yesterday. Didn't see all too many
dressed in black... Maybe they knew it was too good
to be true? hehe...

And Karldin, You know of Jonas Fjeld? I'd never heard
of him before >:eek:P
Well, I finally put my pics up. I seriously should get
one of those paparazi cams, cause my small digicam
just doesn't do its job!!! >:eek:( Not only are the pics
blury, but I forgot to charge the battery! lol.

Next concert coming up I'll be arriving with a suitcase,
with the biggest cam you've ever seen! >:eek:P hehe...
Just have to get some money for it first! >;o)

Anyways, enjoy! :eek:)