Borknagar live tonight (14/06) in Drammen, Norway

Originally posted by Morgana
pic #5 is even better... uhhhhhh... evil:muahaha: ...... in the night, in the dark... :grin:

Lol! Yeah, their eyes were like that during the
whole gig! hehehe... Borknagar are tr00ly evil! >;o)
If a stare could kill.... >:o)

Seriously, that pic of Tyr is great, don't you think?
And 2.jpg is the best one of Vintersorg :o)
Originally posted by Morgana
The pic of Tyr is great as well... the impression this pic gives me is him become one with all... if you know what I mean...

Nah , I'm just veeeery tired:p

Well , actually I tend to close my eyes alot on stage , dunno why really....
Originally posted by Tyr

Nah , I'm just veeeery tired:p

Well , actually I tend to close my eyes alot on stage , dunno why really....

Hehehe... actually I often close my eyes when I play my guitar, but you won't see that on a pic :p
I do it, because than the guitar, the music and myself become totally one. nothing else excist in this moments...
Ihihih! Those pics with the evil red eyes are funny :grin: :p

I like the 6th picture a lot. Mr. V seems really absorbed in the music. They all seem to be. :)
Originally posted by N8
Did you see anyone filming this show, or audio recording it? - n8

Ya! There was this guy running around with a
camera on the stage in the background, and I
think there was a dude in the audience as well?
I guess the Borkisguys knows more about this
than I do. All I know is I'd like to steal their
films! Seeing how it was a couple of days after,
luxury! >:o)))

Oh, and I added a review of the gig on the site
there.... It's in Norwegian though, sorry >:oP hehe...
Norway's most handsome band? no kidding...

hey, whos that good looking guy with the microphone and red demon eyes?
Hi everyone. Cool pics :-)

Ok, I just have to get this off my chest:
I am very sorry about the abrupt ending of the show in Drammen this friday. I was so fucking pissed, I wanted to smash the fucking festival administration's faces in (and shove Jonas Fjelds guitar so far up his old, fat ass he'd be farting shitty chords the rest of his life)!

I encouraged everyone in the audience to demand their money back from the festival, and I still think that all of you people who bothered to show up for a half an hour gig in the middle of the night should do that! I mean, if you buy a book lacking the last chapter, you return it and get a refund. That should be the case here as well - you got a festival without the last chapter, so you shouldn't have to pay for it!

Send your angry mails to:

Again: I am deeply sorry that we didn't get to finish our set. We'll make it up to you next time!

Best regards
very understandable that you are mad about it.
If I would have been there, I would complain to those organizers.

That reminds me I should have made a complain about the Inferno festival, because they deared with the tickets...
Do to the accident I forgot about it...
Originally posted by TheRealLazare
Send your angry mails to:

Again: I am deeply sorry that we didn't get to finish our set. We'll make it up to you next time!

Whoi! One angry mail from me is what they'll get! >;o)

What annoys me is that it's a festival, and they can
just say there were so many other bands playing,
included in the ticket... But there was only one good
band that night! *Grrrrr* >:oP

Ya! Morgie, now that you mention it, I remember you
telling me about that! Let me know what happens! :o)
Awesome pics, of course, Blackspirit! Vintersorg looks very different in those pictures, I guess cause it isn't his usual calm, one with nature mood. I can't wait til the guys come to America, it would be AMAZING if they came to Austin, but I know they don't have too much control over it.
Originally posted by Morningrise
Awesome pics, of course, Blackspirit! Vintersorg looks very different in those pictures,

yeah, mr. V have new image - a beard:grin: i seen new Vintersorg pictures on Napalm website