Borkz to tour some in autumn?

This one still cracks me up the most. It was hot outside, I was so far gone and all I cared about at this point was seeing Saxon hahahaha.

Note: I DID NOT know that it was supposed to be a serious pic until after the pic was taken

You guys sold out...


Ya, we going to save all the "behind the scenes" stuff for something along that lines. Not quite sure yet exactly if its going to be used in video diary format or on an official DVD but I myself have about 7 hours of footage from practice, Wacken, goofing off, all kinds of stuff so we'll see. haha.

:lol: Don't mention a DVD! We've been waiting for years now for a supposed DVD. The last drummer, Asgeir, had compiled lots of old material and stuff and was the only one making an effort towards putting out a DVD (or so that's what he said). Since he left I thought the idea died and lost hope, especially about all that material (apparently there was a version of Colossus that Vintersorg and Vortex sung together). If a new DVD is in the works, that'd be awesome, but I hope that old footage has been collected from him and will be included as well. Either way I'm still waiting for the video diary.

Over all, I am completely happy with the final outcome of the record. The production is very wide, powerful and balls. Drum wise, it was the hardest thing Ive had to do yet because Ive usually been more of an extreme drummer. Arsis, Malevolent Creation, Divine Empire- all bands with the constant, gay, super fast blast beats and crazyness kind of shit. Here it was like "WOOOOOOAH"...relax and fill the time gaps with heart. So thats what I did.....and now that I listen to the whole thing, thats what all of us did. Im not just saying it because Im on the album but damn, its really sick. Beginning to end, it doesnt get boring at all.
Haha, you dick. Way to make us anticipate that album MORE. :lol:
This one still cracks me up the most. It was hot outside, I was so far gone and all I cared about at this point was seeing Saxon hahahaha.

Note: I DID NOT know that it was supposed to be a serious pic until after the pic was taken

So, just to place a face with the're the one yellow carding your own groin?

You guys sold out...


:lol: Don't mention a DVD! We've been waiting for years now for a supposed DVD. The last drummer, Asgeir, had compiled lots of old material and stuff and was the only one making an effort towards putting out a DVD (or so that's what he said). Since he left I thought the idea died and lost hope, especially about all that material (apparently there was a version of Colossus that Vintersorg and Vortex sung together). If a new DVD is in the works, that'd be awesome, but I hope that old footage has been collected from him and will be included as well. Either way I'm still waiting for the video diary.

Haha, you dick. Way to make us anticipate that album MORE. :lol:

Ya well, I have to let the suspense keep building. haha. DVD- Like I said, no idea...all I know is that so far, a video diary is being worked on and they are still throwing ideas around for something special. I'm just the drummer AND the new guy so I like to be in my own little drum world and let them do their thing. I can assure you though that many ideas are being thrown around and Im sure after these gigs next month, those ideas will be looked into even more.