Bozarth and Darkspot invade Baltimore

Will Bozarth

Everlasting Godstopper
Jan 26, 2002
New Jersey
Pics will be coming later tonight........

So yeah, we decided to hang out a couple weeks ago and we planned a bunch of stuff out. The day came, and I set out at 9am for Maryland. Showed up right on time (11am... ok, maybe a little early- 10:58). And kidnapped her from a local foodmart. We went back to her place and..........................................

We watched My Dying Bride - Sinamorato. I also growled at one of her cats, made it run away, and proceeded to explain to her that Dio is better than Ozzy in Black Sabbath.

Our initial plans involved seeing Lady in the Water, but we decided that it looked pretty dumb, so we decided to go to the Inner Harbor. Once we got there, we invaded Barnes and Nobel and got several laughs at Vampire and Ghost Erotica books being next to normal sexual fiction novels. After Laura decided to stick with 3 books and finding the ability to run away from the urge to buy more, she flew to the register.

We left B&N and decided that we were rather hungry... Hard Rock Cafe, t'was! Got in there and was confused by the door greeter person for whatever reason, and she sent us up a ramp to another worker. From there we were seated... and I continued to randomly mention Dio. She got some crazy Chicken meal with some kind of noodles, and I got a sexy sexy steak with mashed potatoes......... and broccoli. By time my meal arrived, I had already gone through 3 glasses of Pepsi (with lemon). Personally, I think Laura was amazed at my uncanny ability to down an entire Pepsi factory. They asked if we wanted to round the bill up to the nearest dollar amount to donate to Denis Leary's fire fighter foundation... and as soon as Denis Leary's name was announced, we both nodded enthusiastically and continued to sing a verse from his "Asshole" song.

We made our way to the Aquarium. This was pretty cool... we were rather lost at first, but later found our way to the actual exibit area... but the journey was fun. I found myself talking to a fake Australian guide guy with my amazing fake Australian accent. CROIKEY! Side note, I think this is about the time Laura realized that I'm fucking nuts. I've also discovered that sharks are hard to photograph... and Laura's head was eaten by some scary fish.

After this, we made our way to Edgar Allan Poe's gravesite. We managed to find a parking spot after weaving around the one-way streets for a couple minutes (wtf, cities).

Once we were able to reach the cemetary, we felt like we were sneaking into the cemetary (even though the gate was open... a little.) Took pics of the Poe memorial... headstone... statue... monument....... thing. We then ventured deeper into the cemetary. It was kinda creepy. I'd imagine it would kick loads of ass at nighttime. It looked like it came right out of an ooold horror movie. All of the graves dated from the 1700s to the 1800s... most of which were above-ground in like... weird... midget houses. We took some grim pics next to a sexy tree.

When realizing that Laura's mom was at her house, we figured it wouldn't be a good idea to go back there, so we kept trying to think of things to do. This made me drive in a straight line until we thought of something... and I drove us right into the ghetto! We probably would have been shot if they heard my Dissection - Reinkaos CD (which was, btw, like the 6th cd I had put on within the timespan of Laura being in the car... I seriously have musical ADD).

We made our way to an icecream shop while over-dramatizing the lyrics Deconstruction. (Yes, I wound up putting on DNB). We got milkshakes! :D

We made our way to her local mall and met up with famousamoswillkillyou (omgz, she still exists! haha) She seemed kinda surprised and bewildered that I was standing there... at least that's how she reacted. I wound up buying a Mitch Hedberg CD/DVD... while being deathly afraid of Laura/Amy's manager person. We spent the next bit of time wandering around the mall, being grossed out by the Slipknot music playing in Spencer's, and hunting down her friends... who vanished.

We made our way to my jeep, and proceeded to laugh at everything Mitch Hedberg was saying. He had the potential to be one of our generation's biggest comedians (IMO). It's a shame he had to die.

We made our way to a comic book shop, but it wound up being closed... then realized that it should be around the time that I took her back to her car. BOO!

I dropped her off at her car at the grocery store, and said our goodbyes... then I took the 2 hr drive home in silence.

Pics will be coming later today.
yay sounds like a fun time! can't wait for the pics :Spin:

i guess its just become customary to kidnap laura from the grocery store :lol:
hmm, so ... yeah, Will continued the time-honored tradition of kidnapping me from a grocery store. we chilled at my house, harrassing my cats (inculding the one that broke my laptop) watching Sinamorato and theorizing why Aaron was wearing this weird-ass white strait-jacket suit with space man boots .... then deciding it's because he's made of paper mache.
the dvd ended and we decided that we had all of 20 minutes to make it to the showing of Lady in the Water that we'd decided to go to, but you def cant make it to Baltimore from my house in 20 minutes, so we decided to just go to the harbor.
got there, i dragged him around the almight barnes & nobles, was severely scared by some of the erotica books mixed in with the horror books in the anthology section ("aqua erotica" ... seriously) ...
went to the hard rock for lunch ... Will built and demolished a castle of sugar packets then took a picture of the final product, severely weirding out our waitress (who Will liked to make feel bad) ... after food, she told us about the Denis Leary something or another to help fire fighters by increasing our bill ... the charity didnt really interest us, but then we heard Denis Leary and decided it was a worthy cause.
walked over to the aquarium ... saw sharks and bubbles and rainforests and fake-Australians and Will with boobies and me trying to seduce a really freaky looking fish. stay tuned for pictures!
so we eventually left the aquarium and wandered over to Poe's grave. awesome pics were taken there ... sexy trees, Will knocking on the door to a mosoleum, etc.
so, running out of stuff to do there, we headed back to my neck of the woods, drove through the ghetto and past where i grew up (where we wouldve gotten shot if Will had the windows down and all the people on the sidewalk had heard Dissection), and into Westminster. got milkshakes, went to the mall Amy and i work at, visited the craptastic stores there, drove around listening to the almighty Mitch, then walked to the comic book store which i found was closed.
so 9 rolled around and Will dropped me off at my car and we said our goodbyes and whatnot and he drove off into the sunset and so ended our incredibly awesome day of randomness.
:lol: :lol: I think the waitress had the hots for me, she kept like... refilling them, then she asked if we wanted desert. Oh yeah... Then she said "Do you want your bill?" which she was totally asking you if you minded if she swept me away... me, being referred to as Bill, that is.